Craigslist & EBay

Have we ever mentioned that our family loves craigslist?? We do!! The majority of Kira's clothes were purchased from Craigslist, an Internet site where people post items to sell. A bag of about 40 totally cute outfits cost us $25. That bag included Janie and Jack and Nordstrom outfits that I am sure were at least $25 a piece. We got our double BOB from Craigslist and LOVE it. Danny and I started using Craigslist early in our marriage when we were cheap, poor and saving money. While those characteristics still somewhat exist, we remain avid fans of craigslist. We just don't see the point of spending full price for something or adding perfectly good stuff to the dump. And if you are one of those that thinks we are stalling the economies turnaround maybe you are right. But doesn't Bank of America, the stock market and mortgage companies need all the money they can get?

Danny sold these loupes from a colleague at school. They sold for almost $500. Can you believe it? That was actually an EBAY item but same concept.
We sold our stroller for $350. We bought it new for about $450 and got 2 1/2 great years out of it until we decided to go with the BOB. The BOB fits our family better since we are always outdoors.
And our couch. I loved this couch and have great memories with it in our condo, but it doesn't make sense to keep it since we just don't need it now.

Craigslist has helped me let go of things. I used to be somewhat of a hoarder. I held onto things just to hold onto them and now I realize that a good home can use them and if I ever want it again I can just get it on Craigslist. So thank you Craigslist. That just might be the best benefit for my family. A clean, simple house that isn't full of junk. We still have way too many toys. Need to work on that.


Jacquie said…
Sorry for adding lots of clothes, toys and stuff to your clutter but as you know I sometimes get a little obsessed with all my great Craigslist Finds...It's the best!!
Anonymous said…
Heidi, I wish I had seen your couch before you sold it - this would fit perfectly in my family room!
Ironically. I posted about hoarding today as well. But mine is of a crazier nature.

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