Favorite Points from Relief Society Mtg

President Monson, Charity

Talked of taking food to over 80 widows in his ward each Christmas while he was Bishop. When President Monson speaks it is obvious how much he loves others, sees a need and fills it. He talked about how his wife always supported him in his various callings and service. I want to do better at seeing and fulfilling the needs of others. I want to do better at supporting Danny in his various callings and service.

"Needed is the charity which refuses to find satisfaction in hearing or in repeating the reports of misfortunes that come to others, unless by so doing, the unfortunate one may be benefited. The American educator and politician Horace Mann once said, “To pity distress is but human; to relieve it is godlike.”11

Julie B. Beck, History of Relief Society
"We study our history because it helps us change. Ultimately, the value of history is not so much in its dates, times, and places. It is valuable because it teaches us the principles, purposes, and patterns we are to follow, it helps us know who we are and what we are to do, and it unites us in strengthening the homes of Zion and building the kingdom of God on the earth."

I don't know church history very well and am going to make an effort to study, learn and apply it to my life.

Silvia Allred, Steadfast and Immovable
The trip from Mistolar required 27 hours one way to reach the temple, and they had gone with their two small children. It was in the middle of a very cold winter, but with much sacrifice they made it to the temple and were sealed together as an eternal family. On the way back, the two babies got very sick and died. They buried them along the way and returned home empty-handed. They were sad and lonely but amazingly felt comforted and peaceful. They said of the experience: “Our children were sealed to us in the house of the Lord. We know we will have them back with us for all eternity. This knowledge has given us peace and comfort. We have to remain worthy and faithful to the covenants we made in the temple, and then we will be reunited with them.”

How grateful I am for the covenants I have made in the temple. I too have felt this peace and assurance with Carl and with Tyler when we were unsure if he would make it. Nothing brings greater peace than knowing your family is eternal.

Barbara Thompson, Visiting Teaching

Not long ago I visited with a group of women in Anchorage, Alaska. There were about 12 women in the room, and 6 more joined by speakerphone from cities and towns all over Alaska. Many of these women lived hundreds of miles away from the Church building. These women taught me about visiting teaching....in-home visits were nearly impossible. However, these sisters felt closely connected because they were fervently praying for one another and were seeking the guidance of the Holy Spirit to know what their sisters needed, even though they weren’t there in person very often.

The beauty of visiting teaching is not to see 100 percent on the monthly report; the beauty of visiting teaching is seeing lives changed, tears wiped away, testimonies growing, people loved, families strengthened, people cheered, the hungry fed, the sick visited, and those who are mourning comforted. Actually, visiting teaching is never done because we watch over and strengthen always."

I am always striving to be a better visiting teacher and this talk was AWESOME for me! Made me think about why we really do visiting teaching and as we magnify that calling all woman in the Church would really receive the help and strength that they need. I can pray, serve and do more for the amazing woman that I visit teach.


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