Saturday, August 31, 2013

Labor Day Weekend

Lately, the kids have ended up in our bed.  Tyler's been having nightmares but he comes in quietly.  Maybe I don't notice him because he climbs in from Heidi's side.  

Kira always approaches my side.  This time, the three kids climbed in, forcing me and Heidi into Kira's bed.  Check out Tyler; he has his bear.  

I woke up at six this morning in order to wash the van.  I spent about an hour on it, and I was surprised to see that everyone was still asleep when I finished.  Then I worked on my finale files and Kira strolled in a little after eight.  The rest of the clan was up by nine and we had breakfast.

Tyler made a very bad decision by throwing a book at Kira, which gave her a bloody nose.  He has anger management issues and I was very upset and had to practice a lot of restraint in talking to him.  Poor Kira.  Sometimes, I want to teach her to fight back so Tyler will learn his lesson of not messing with her.  But I don't want Kira to turn hard like that.  It's funny, when Tyler is behaving poorly, Scott is like, "I'm being good, right?"  And earlier that morning, Scott was throwing a fit about practicing his piano.

I've kinda gotten out of TV.  Maybe I'll get back in when Revenge starts up again next month, but I have really enjoyed doing projects in the garage instead.  I hardly have the patience to sit through a netflix full length motion picture.


Unknown said...

I can't believe you get forced out of your own bed! Oh that is hilarious. This morning both Turin and Brockton climbed in bed with us and we all snuggled together, and I just loved it. But in the middle of the night, it wouldn't be so cute. :)
I hear you about wanting to teach Kira to stand up for herself. I struggle with that with Turin too. He'll hit Siena b/c she takes something from him, and then she'll hit him SO HARD that he is sobbing. Ooh it ticks me off. Good job in restraining yourself; I need to work on that. I find myself yelling at her and then feeling bad.
As far as the filter, I is so bad! We're just getting over the kids having hand, foot, and mouth disease and just starting to function again.
I'm so glad you've enjoyed your projects so much. Much better than the boob tube.

Heather said...

Within the last few months, both Roman and Paisley sneak into our rooms in the middle of the night and they never did this until now. With the 2 of them and Marley and Jason all in bed, I usually end up in Paisley or Roman's bed by myself. Hey...maybe the kids just need a little extra comfort these past few months?

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