Saturday, August 10, 2013

Mr. T and Blakey

Picture of Tyler's usual morning behavior.  I usually do breakfast, and lately, Tyler has refused to eat anything but waffles and cereal.  Sometimes, I'm like, "You can eat these pancakes or go to your room."  Now that school has started, we are in more of a time crunch and if he chooses to not eat, he'll melt down in school.  

This morning, I was going to prepare French toast.  Heidi was like, "I think it's silly to argue over what the kids eat for breakfast."  So, we have compromised by allowing Tyler to eat what he wants, where he wants.  Check out his bear on the right.  He sleeps with a bear that has an embroidered sternotomy repair, symbolizing heart surgery.  We named him Tony after Tyler's surgeon.  

 Blakey's pretty chill.  People have been commenting on how he looks like Scott, even people who don't know us well.  I agree.  Blakey likes to tinker in the garage with me and lately, he's been crawling up on my motorcycles.  He sleeps the best out of all the kids and seems to be the least fussy over what he's eating.

Adam, the guy who gave me the CB750, has sold his home and moved.  Wednesday night they packed up everything else within the home and gave us their portable basketball hoop. Scott and Tyler were stoked about it and last night they were shooting the hoops.  I think that's a lot better than spending hours on minecraft, but I remember watching tons of TV as a kid, too.  I just think if they did fewer electronics, they'd be healthier.   I pretty much have to pull Scott out of bed and carry him to the piano to get him to practice.  After about ten minutes of him sitting with his head on the keys, we can work on some songs.

Okay, that's all.


Chelle said...

Tyler's face cracks me up! Turin has one almost exactly like that! Tyler and Turin must have more McMillan in them than I initially thought. That's cool that he has a custom bear just for him. When the kids complain about breakfast, I tell them "You get what you get and you don't throw a fit." But I agree with Heidi too that sometimes it's not worth the fight. Depends on the circumstances. Blake does seem super chill. I see Scott, but also a lot of Kira too. He's def got more Kira's nose than Scott's. He's so sweet!

cici said...

My sister would never even eat breakfast, so my Mom ended up making her a milkshake with vitamins or whatever she could stomach.
Carnation instant breakfast was a staple round our house.
Sounds like he needs more time to wake up, may not feel his best in the early morning hours and crunchy food is more appetizing. Let him have whatever he feels like for breakfast, then lay down the law at dinner ;) Have him bring a good snack to School and let the teacher know he needs it.
You are doing great, don't sweat the small stuff, between you and Heidi you are raising some great kids.
Blakey wins the Mr. Congeniality award.
Thanks for sharing

Danny's Birthday

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