Sunday, August 11, 2013

Morning examples

Tyler got himself ready for church.  I let him play with the iPhone since I only asked him once.  Scott puts up quite a fight about the morning routine.  I told him that if he does his piano and gets ready, then he can play.  Instead, he plays first and then fights the rest of the time.  I was like, "What's 3+2+1?"


"What's 1+2+3?"  Also six.  I tried reasoning with him that he doesn't lose any time by doing his piano and chores first, but that wasn't working.  Then we tried the yelling approach.  Scott doesn't respond well to that.  

Kira has lots of clothes, and she wants to wear her princess dress to church, but it ends up too poofy and uncomfortable.  She chose this one instead and wanted a ponytail, like Cinderella.  I gave her some layers last week but her fine hair lacks body.

Her bangs are looking good, though.

Off to church.


Heather said...

Love those pics of Kira! So sweet.

cici said...

Love how she manages to stay girly amongst all the boys.
Those Cinderella ponytails are very important to a girl ;)

Danny's Birthday

We went to Monterey again for Danny's birthday and lucked out with amazing weather.  Blake was pretty difficult last time we went so Gle...