Thursday, August 29, 2013

And stuff

The kids like to imitate my hamstring stretches.  Tyler is quite flexible.  Blakey is just using me as a couch.

Scott and I went on a date to Panera after soccer practice.  He ate all of his cookie and chips, and about three bites of his sandwich.  I wouldn't have gotten the cookie but we had a gift card.  We took all the leftovers home.

Scott likes one-on-ones with the motorcycle.

Heidi had her copper IUD removed and it made a dramatic difference in her mood, for the better.  No, we are not trying for more kids, I just thought she would feel better with it out.  I don't know why physicians try to deceive or lie to us about how there are no hormones in those, and that it's "impossible" to have the kinds of side effects Heidi was having.  Well, doctors should know to not use always, never, or impossible in their conversations.  Nothing is impossible in medicine.  Just ask Jesus.  What explanation do you offer when he healed the leper?  Or how he made the blind man to see?  I'm sure there is a physiologic sequence, because God operates within the laws of physics and chemistry, but when man has no explanation, we call it a miracle.  And those are happening in medicine all the time.


cici said...

It's a good thing Heidi has you to watch out for her :) Those IUD's are dreadful.
Blakey is getting so big and gets cuter in every photo, if that's possible.

Julia M. said...

My female hormones scare me, let alone Ben. I'm glad Heidi's feeling better. Scott is such a doll-so lucky to have dad time!

Danny's Birthday

We went to Monterey again for Danny's birthday and lucked out with amazing weather.  Blake was pretty difficult last time we went so Gle...