Harrison turned 4 and we celebrated at the park. Harrison is such a great friend to Scott and Laura is such a great friend to me. We really are so lucky to have such great friends!
The past month, I have come to terms that Scott is going to have one emotionally traumatizing experience a day. Understanding him has been on my mind lately. He found a rolly-polly, let a friend take care of it and it accidently went home with her. Mommy lesson #1...when Scott asks me to take care of his animal, I will not suggest he find a friend to pet-sit. My brilliant idea backfired. He is my very emotionally sensitive child. We continue to work on learning to deal with gigantic emotions. Danny said the stage might end in his 20's when it ended for him. Sad, but true. Danny has the McMillan trait of being a sensitive person which Scott acquired. Two worlds and families collide when you get married. I tend to be the child of New Yorkers. I think, "that is no big deal" when everything is a big deal to him. I am learning to think differently and try to be sensitive to his needs. When Danny and I pray about helping these emotional moments we feel just to love him. Love is truly to cure to all!
Being emotional isn't a bad thing. After the party Scott, Tyler, Kira and I sat on a blanket under a tree for over an hour which rarely happens. We had no distractions and "relaxed" as Scott quoted. It was so nice to talk and enjoy each other. Scott was so cuddly and loving. Each night Scott loves me to lay in his bed. He tells me how much he loves me, "I love you as much as the water in the sea or more than the stars in the sky or as much as the tallest building." It is very cute and he is very creative. Tonight he asked when I was going to have another baby and I told him not until he wanted and probably not for a while. He said he wanted another baby now because he loves Baby Kira so much and she is so cute.
I blame his over-sensitive self lately on her. Change isn't good for any four year old. He is a great brother but holds things in. He worries about Tyler so I try not to talk about health issues around Scott. I can't imagine how he internalizes everything with Danny, Carl and Tyler. The little man has been through more than most people go through in their lifetime watching Danny in bed for 3 months and in pain everyday, Tyler's surgeries, me dissapearing during them, and Carl dying. Scott gives me the best hugs and kisses and always wants me to be happy. Today I was telling him how lucky he was to have such a great teacher at Joy School and what a good mommy Tara is to Jack and he said, "yea, but you are the best mommy." How quick your children are to tell you that they love you and love you being their mom. And that makes life as a mother all worth it.