Monday, March 31, 2008
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk
Danny's favorite things at the boardwalk...his beautiful wife and "The Fireball"
Some of Scott's favorite rides. He made the height requirement by 1". I was surpised how much he loved the rides with dad. Nothing compares to see your sons having a blast with dad. Danny is the best dad to Tyler and Scott. They are so blessed.
Scott loved when Danny grabbed for these metal rings to throw in the clowns mouth. That was the best part of the carousel ride for him. He thought it was hysterical. I love the little enjoyments your kids get out of the simplest things in life.
"WaWa" ride as Scott calls it. He kept saying how wet he got from it.
My three happy boys. How did I get so lucky?
A little picnic at the beach. Scott chased the seagulls, got buried about 5 times, searched from treasures in the sand, Danny took a nap & Tyler played with his dads cap. We left very tired and glad that Scott didn't insist on going in the cold water with the other kids.
Being unable to go out for so long has made me appreciate days like this. I used to take so much for granted. It is interesting how we learn and grow through trials. I wouldn't change anything in our lives. I have a wonderful husband, two perfect sons, jobs we love, great friends and family and live in a beautiful part of the country with so many great things to do.
Friday, March 28, 2008
HLHS Families
Also please keep the Butcher family in your prayers, as their beautiful girl Annabelle lost her fight to HLHS yesterday. Her parents wrote, "Her precious life has touched so many people and it is our prayer that it continues to touch you and strengthen your faith. She fought so hard and did so well. We couldn't be more blessed. We have peace in knowing that we will see her again!" Thank you for sharing her beautiful story!
I met a woman whose nephews' son has HLHS. I told her how blessed we feel everyday to have Tyler in our lives. He has changed our lives forever by teaching us about faith, love and hope. She said that these children come to amazing families. I thought a lot about that and feel so blessed for the association (many through blogging) that I have with other heart families and how inspired and lifted I am because of their stories. Everytime I look at Tyler I think of the lack of hope we received from medical professionals when he was diagnosed. We were told that most families terminate these children and were given so little hope. We knew that he was to fulfill his mortal mission, whatever that would be, and we were so grateful for our knowledge of a loving Heavenly Father who cares for us and has a plan for us to be together forever. There isn't a day that goes by where I don't think about others who were given the guidance we were and out of despair chose to give up on these children. I really want to do something to spread the news of hope for HLHS. I want to organize a support group in the Bay Area for HLHS so families can see the love these children bring their families for the days, months or years that we are blessed to have them in our lives.
Wagon Ride
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Fun at the Bains
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Danny's Photography
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Prayers for Gracie
Monday, March 24, 2008
Go Tyler Go!
Work those jello legs! Go Tyler go!
Of course Scott needed his turn. He was a wild man on this thing. I can't believe it could hold his weight. I told his pediatrician that it is amazing we didn't need to come in from a crashing Johnny Jump Up. It was very fun.Yummy Car. We need to get him an excersaucer for home.
Easter Egg Hunt
We went to an Easter Egg Hunt this Saturday. It was the first time Scott wasn't afraid of the Easter Bunny which is quite exciting. We weren't going to take a picture since he screamed last year and at Christmas, but after he saw the bunny he couldn't wait for his turn. Stay tuned for more pictures of Easter Sunday.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Congratulations Emily and Chris!!
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Choose my new haircut

Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Tylers Cardiology Update
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Borges Ranch
This is a park in Walnut Creek that is always so beautiful, peaceful, empty and has tame animals that Scott loves to pet. Danny tried to lasso a wooden bull (he needs some practice) and Scott was a great horse-shoes player even though he cheated a bit. A fun day with the fam!
Danny's Birthday
We went to Monterey again for Danny's birthday and lucked out with amazing weather. Blake was pretty difficult last time we went so Gle...

My mom is in town from Utah. She spent the night at the hospital last night and has been holding Tyler quite a bit. He really enjoys being h...
Ok, should we just rename our blog the McMillan Pediatrics Medical Journal? Everyone has issues. Our family is congenital medical disorders....
The season has begun for summer swim lessons. If anyone is interested in or knows someone who is looking for swim lessons please pass on my ...