Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Blessing of Tyler
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Our little seal
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Tyler's First Bath
Friday, October 26, 2007
Close-up heart surgery
We asked the anesthesiologist to take some pictures during the surgery and the camera was accidentally put on video. I think these are pretty neat. The white tube in the 2nd picture is Tyler's gore tex conduit running from his right ventricle to his pulmonary artery. When I hold Tyler and feel his little heart pumping I realize what a miracle baby he is. Thought this would be interesting to share. It is amazing what they can do. We are so grateful for Dr. Azakie and his team!!
Got Milk??
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Why Life is Great for the McMillans
- We love our jobs. That's worth millions!
- I love my husband & he loves us & would do anything for us.
- We love where we live. FYI, Walnut Creek will be making its debut on the Bachelor. 10 is a little late & I don't like the show, I might have to watch.
- The BBH's are coming to town :+)
- Tyler is a rock star!! We figured out that by the time the milk got through the tubing it was cold. I am grateful he doesn't truly have colic and is eating well.
- I can eat ice cream again since his gas wasn't related to my poor eating habits.
- My mom's health is doing better. In the hospital, doctors thought the cancer spread, but now think it's just a virus.
- Scott is in toddlerhood. Danny came to my work to pick up Scott, who Scott saw from across the pool, started pointing and saying "ah, ah, ah," & finally got to run around the pool to dad's arms.
- It is in the 80's. Need I say more? We went to the park, swimming, downtown & played outside office buildings waiting for Grandma.
- My family is the best. A little crazy, but still the best.
- We have so many friends that care so much about our fam.
- A new season of the Office is on.
- We had leftover halibut for dinner from the Bains.
Monday, October 22, 2007
What's Missing??
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Scott's latest obsession...
And the Winner is...
Well, Rummage was right in the fact that it is lower than buying a house, but higher than dental school, however, his guess sadly only covered Tyler's room fee. For those of you who have inquiring minds this is the breakdown. I failed to mention that this doesn't include the doctor fees such as the surgeon and anesthesiologist. Maybe some of us will do better if we have a second contest with their charges.
- Pediatric Cadiology ICU room fee 14,994/day = $314,000 ...... anyone wishing to change their guess??
- Transitional ICU 7965/day=64,000.
- Pharmacy 63720
- supply/devices 43390
- lab 59800
- radiology 9147
- operating room 100408
- anesthesia 18729
- blood process fee 17537
- imaging service 3658
- respiratroy service 24237
- occupational therapy 3795
- audiology 418
- cardiology 22701
- mri 4499
- ekg 582
- eeg 8793
- other 391.
GRAND TOTAL $789,073.09
Friday, October 19, 2007
Feel Better Grandma
Calling all Bloggers
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
68 Degrees and still smiling
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Tribute to Danny
Calling all game players
Monday, October 15, 2007
Fun Monday
Our eventful weekend
My echo
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Thursday, October 4, 2007
He's home!
Tyler is doing well, though, so we are very happy about that. Scott is a little distressed that he's not getting as much attention anymore, so he'll throw stuff. The poor little guy! We'll make it through. People say, "Aren't you glad you don't have to go into the city anymore?" I'm like, "Well, he's got an alarm for anything that goes awry, and when we go to bed, someone on staff is there to help!" We spent 2 hours at the pharmacy when they kept saying, "15 more minutes!" Yeah, right! Woof. Now Heidi's going to write.
So they claimed that Kaiser doesn't carry methadone, but recommended to start driving to outside pharmacies. Can you imagine. Scott was hungry, I needed to feed the baby and pharmacies were probably closed. As soon as I told them to call the doctor at UCSF they mysteriously found that in-house pharmacy had it. I just keep laughing, knowing that we will soon be laughing at the days of trying to figure out a feeding pump, having a house full of baby clothes and not knowing how we will survive. It will be humorous in a day or two...or so we hope once we have figured things out. It sure is nice having Tyler home!! He looks great. In about 2 months he will be back at UCSF for his heart catheterization. That usually takes 1 day of recovery. It will help determine if he will be ready for surgery 2. Usually it is done at 4-6 months. Hopefully we will stay out of UCSF before that. He has his first doctors appt on Monday and his cardiology appt on Wednesday. The doctors office will be my second home.
Danny's Birthday
We went to Monterey again for Danny's birthday and lucked out with amazing weather. Blake was pretty difficult last time we went so Gle...

My mom is in town from Utah. She spent the night at the hospital last night and has been holding Tyler quite a bit. He really enjoys being h...
Ok, should we just rename our blog the McMillan Pediatrics Medical Journal? Everyone has issues. Our family is congenital medical disorders....
The season has begun for summer swim lessons. If anyone is interested in or knows someone who is looking for swim lessons please pass on my ...