Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Day 6

Tyler is almost 1 week old. He has become cuter and cuter each day and is looking so much like Scott as a baby. He is precious and we feel so blessed that he is at such a great hospital with the opportunity to have surgery. I was talking to a cardiologist visiting from Turkey yesterday who said that almost anywhere else in the world wouldn't have surgery options. In Turkey they don't even have PGE let alone pediatricians qualified to care for them after surgery. It sure makes you count your blessings of where you live. Tyler is doing well and we are excited for his surgery which will be tomorrow morning around 9. The doctor has 2 surgeries today that he won't postpone because Tyler is very stable. He wants him to have 1 more day for his lungs to strengthen and his subdural hematoma to be monitored. They are a little concerned about the hematoma. The neurosurgeon said that although it is very common from childbirth it is the largest he has seen which is a concern for surgery. He said it should be fine, but just in case anticoagulants cause more bleeding a neurosurgeon should be able to easily go in and stop it. We are lucky that they found it on the MRI since it didn't show up on the ultrasound. This and the diagnosis were both caught from something else. We meet with the surgeon today and should have a better update on the Norwood as well as how they will enlarge the coarctation in the aortic bridge. We feel good about the surgery and are excited Tyler is close to his days of recovery. We know that it will all work out. Thanks for your emails, prayers and love. Mom and dad are doing well.

1 comment:

Robin said...

HI HEIDI! we miss you around here! Glad to hear things are going well, we all are keeping you, Danny, Scott and Tyler in our prayers. what a blessing to meet people and have conversations that strengthen our faith. The Lord is watching you and knows all that you are going through. Scott is doing great here. He's such a piece of sunshine! Today we gave Rex lots of treats, cleaned the chicken cage, fed it, and petted the chicken! You know thats a big deal! Then we did chalk, ate crackers, watched trucks on the street and then went on a walk to Arbolado Park. There Scott drove the cars, went down slides, did some swinging and played in the sand. After we walked home he played with Max- chase, hiding and laughing. And when he saw Grama he let out a happy squeal! so no worries here. You take care and know our prayers are with you, much love, Robin

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