Kindergarten Conference

K Conferences were this week.  Have I mentioned that I LOVE Tyler's teacher.  So far my kids have gotten the best teachers for the

She said he is doing great.  She met with me briefly in the beginning of the year to go over his heart condition.  In that meeting I told her he was somewhat delayed, generally monitors himself on the playground and gets agitated when he is tired.

Well...she said that she is so impressed with how he is doing and none of my concerns have really been noticed. She said socially he is always playing with other kids.  He both initiates playing and other kids come to play with him.  She said he is never alone and kind to his friends.

In the classroom he does his work.  He listens very carefully and wants to do what she asks.  She said he uses his time to do his work and is not a distraction to others.  She did say that towards the end of the day he gets tired.  They do learning tubs toward the end of the day and often after he does one he just wants to sit, read or watch which she said works fine.

He is doing well academically.  There are kids that are still learning their sounds and he knows most of his sounds, which I am convinced kindergarten taught him.  He gets rhyming and all the stuff they are doing. That was surprising to me because I thought he would be on the low end but he is really enjoying learning.  Much more than Scott.  Tyler will come home and get a little notebook out and write his letters in it.

She did say that when he doesn't get something or when something isn't turning out how he wants he gets frustrated.  The other day she said they were drawing something and he chose to draw a shirt and didn't know how so she came over and taught him how to draw a very simple shirt.  She said he is one that just needs to be taught, then left alone and he will do it or not in his timing. He came home that day and ever since has been drawing, coloring and cutting out shirts.  I have a pile of about 30 shirts.  She said it is so great that he is coming home and wanting to work on new skills he learned.

It is amazing how well these teachers get to know these kids in just one month.  I feel like they teach me how to individualize and understand my children.

Tyler couldn't be doing better in school.  He loves going.  He loves playing with his friends.  He really enjoys learning.  The Fontan, school and the gym has transformed Tyler.  He has energy and isn't agitated all the time anymore.  He is so much happier in kindergarten than preschool.  I am not sure what the difference is.  He says he is a big boy.  I think it helps that all the kids started out new where in preschool tyler was the newcomer in the spring.  It also helps that it is so structured.  He seems to really like structure.

This is perhaps one of my greatest blessings of the year!  He is so happy and his schedule allows me to have some down time with Kira and Blake.  Feeling very grateful!!


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