Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A Blessing of Blogging

So many of you know that our church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, aka the mormons, lds church or one with the missionaries with tags and on bikes, don't have paid clergy. The church has a prophet, 12 apostles, seventy, teachers, etc. The same as in Christs time. Well, these leaders are extrordinary people of faith with ordinary lives and families just like you and me who have been called of God. This form of leadership by inspiration trickles down even to where we go to church at our ward level. I love that we have the opportunity to learn from these callings, be stretched, rely on others and help the Lord. It is a marvelous way to grow. Danny was a nursery leader, he and two others taught 10-15 two to three year olds about Christ, did music time, snack time and palygroup each Sunday. Danny was recently released or ended that calling. With the release of a calling comes the thought of what does the Lord have in store for me next? Some callings are very time consuming. Although we know that blessings, love and growth come with each calling, and are willing to help in anyway possible, the McMillans don't aspire to be placed in a super difficult or time-consuming calling. So the news has started to circulate that we are planning to move most likely from our blog. Why is this a blessing at this time? The bishop asked Danny if he was planning on moving to figure out an appropriate calling. With the affirmative response, one would imgaine that Danny is free from a super busy or difficult calling at this time. Just one more blessing of my blog. So if you haven't started your blog, just one more reason to start one.


Kaidence's Mommy said...

I have been staying up on your blog and admire your faithfullness. I was wondering how you plan on making your "blog book"? I need to get Kaidence's done before something happens to it. I wish I could back it up.
Please let me know if you have any ideas on how to get it done. Best of luck to you and your family.


dayna said...

I wouldn't count Danny out...you haven't moved yet :) We may not let you leave!

Tyler High Adventure

 Tyler went to High Adventure with the Youth.  He wasn't excited about going and then had a great time.  They went biking and got him an...