Thursday, September 30, 2010

Update on Routines

I would just like to say that while Tyler got mutliple time-outs at his joy school, we went to the park afterwards and he was perfectly content just sitting on the blanket and watching and in a much better mood. I had a realization. It is ok to send him to his little joy school with his blanket so he can rest. It is ok that he can't or shouldn't go like other kids.

He has done GREAT GREAT GREAT for so long that I have forgotten about his heart. He has this lingering cough that is either the reason for his tiredness or he is just getting bigger and in need of the Fontan. Do you just know when you kid needs the Fontan heart moms? We were hoping he would make it to Feb before his next Cath, but maybe it will need to be sooner. Kind of scary to even think about that.

Yesterday instead of going to the park, we stayed home as a family and played in the sandbox and sprinklers and it was really nice and enjoyable. The boys played so nicely outside which is why I got to catch up on a months worth of blogging which is the reason for the thousands of posts in one day. It felt so good since this is like a journal for me.

I tried putting Tyler down for a nap but no success. Today, we got home around 1, I layed down with Tyler and while he tried to get away with his blanket, I held his blanket tight until he succomed and slept for 3 hours. Maybe that is the trick. Tie is blanket to the bedpost so he is stuck to the bed.

Simplifying life...I am not doing a cooking club and missed a girls night out for a friends upcoming baby because I just can't do it all. I realize that that is ok for me but I feel bad when I miss out on things for my kids. Tomorrow I am supposed to go to a friends house for a pool party after a morning co-op, but I am going to pass and try to stick to my routine. Yeah for me. I am so proud of myself. This is so unlike me. I feel sad that my kids are going to miss out on such a fun day with their friends, but also realize that they will never know and will be just fine. Right?? I need some words of encouragement that they don't need to go to everything. I don't feel the need to go to everything and am just fine. Actually happier to simplify. I hope the same holds true for them.


Heather said...

Sometimes it is so easy to forgot that Tyler must feel so tired and exhausted from his heart since he keeps up with everyone else so well. You have always done such an amazing job at giving him the confidence that he isn't any different and you should feel so proud of that. You have done such a wonderful job.

I think the routine will make a world of difference, especially for Tyler. Of course, once you get set on one, there will always be special days that you can opt to stray away from it. Believe me...I hate missing out on things and always feel like I should be on the go (I think we must have been raised that way...Ha ha!) but I have come to realize that is just part of the role of being a mom in these early years. I've read that kids thrive on routines since it gives them security and peace. They know what to expect and and it gives them ease with life's variables.

Good Luck with the transition and seriously, please let us know what we can do to help. Both of us are horrible with asking for help, but everyone is here to help you. You just need to ask. We love you and you should be proud of what an amazing mom you are. You really do it all, never complain and never seem tired. Remember to also take some time out for YOU. You deserve it.

cici said...

AT his age time with Mom and Dad is the most important. Plenty of time for friends later Don't forget it has been over 100 degrees. A lot of us feel pretty poopie ;)

Marce said...


I just have to tell you what an amazing person I think you are. Really! You inspire me in so many ways. Thank you so much for being YOU. for taking time for YOU and YOUR family when you need it! You are Scott, Tyler and Kira's mama- which means YOU have divine inspiration to meet their needs. You truly do- and I believe you do an amazing job as their mom. I love watching you play with them and patiently love them. You are such an example of how a mama should be! I miss you when you aren't there for things- but I'm not always there for things, either, and I only have one kid! I love you so much and consider it a great blessing to call you my friend! You are AWESOME!


Julia M. said...

I think routines are what kids need, so it's okay to not be in every play group and to let Tyler have his blanket. You are an incredible woman, and I so admire you!

melita said...

Taking care of our children is our first priority,other things are distractions. I put a lot of distractions in my life, so thank you for being a good example for following up with your goals.

Tammy said...

We miss you when you don't come, but you are a Mom first. I have always done that, miss girls nights or girls weekends because I felt that time should be with my kids... and I don't know if they realize it, but I feel better, even when "friends" made me feel guilty for not participating... we all love you whether you come to a girls night or not. Especially when I worked, I felt I needed all the time I could get with my kiddies... but anytime, you know what your kids need and what your family needs. Good for you Heidi!

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