Sunday, October 13, 2013

The kids' photo skills

The kids wanted to take pictures this morning.  Scott grabbed the original didge and started taking these.  I told him about composition and using the zoom, vs. just moving closer to his subject.  I was pleased with how he took these.  Well, he coulda moved over so Tyler wasn't right in front of the computer, but let's not be too critical.  I had to take several courses before understanding the importance of composition.

Unfortunately, this newer ELPH's flash doesn't work.

Then Scott wanted to use the ten second timer so we could all be in the picture.  Heidi wasn't feeling well, so she stayed in bed while I did breakfast, church preps, and piano.  Here's the little didge's timer shot.

Next, Tyler asked to use the big camera, so we did a timer shot with it too.  I think it looks better, especially when you see it full size.  

Here's Tyler trying to compose the big camera on the big tripod.

 The kids wanted to do a silly shot, so here it is.  Good times.

Yeah, so Heidi stayed home from church.  I was happy to have dressed the kids, put them in the van, and arrived to church on time.  Sacrament meeting was a challenge though, and Marc commented that I had had a busy meeting.  I was like, "You could tell, huh?"  We were way at the back in the noisy section and I had to rescue the wandering Blakey about seven times  Even Kira refused to sit quietly, so I had to take her out.  She yells, "I'm sitting by TYLER!  Stop holding my arm!



Unknown said...

Ah man, your kids are so lucky to have you teach them these skills! I love seeing them all practicing with their various cameras. Church alone is such a challenge. We went to stake conf today and Jared had to take Brockton out b/c he was so loud. Then turin said he had to go to the bathroom, and Siena was whining about needing a drink. So we all left, and on the way back in Siena leapt down the stairs in front of everyone and then made a huge scuzzy at me, while Turin RAN as fast as he could back to his seat. Yes, parenting. So humiliating sometimes. :)

Julia M. said...

Holy cow, Danny, you're a super dad! Those pictures will always make you smile. I still can't believe you have 4. Two overwhelms me often. I hope Heidi is feeling better!

Danny's Birthday

We went to Monterey again for Danny's birthday and lucked out with amazing weather.  Blake was pretty difficult last time we went so Gle...