Sunday, December 30, 2007

Tis The Season of Work Parties

Went to Scott's Seafood in Jack London Square with Dr. Wu's staff. It was so beautiful with the christmas tree lit up and the restaurant on the water front. We had a great meal and a great time getting to the know the staff. Everyone was so friendly! One of our greatest Christmas presents is for Danny to be settled into 3 great practices. He was working for an office that was "interesting" in many regards and happy to be in a much better setting. From left to right..associate dentist in Oakland & his lawyer wife, Dr. Wu & his missing wife who was at a gig as a professional singer, dentist & her endodontist boyfriend who works with Dr. Wu, my cute hubby, assistants and their boyfriend & husband. I can't remember anyones name. That is what happens when you marry a guy who never forgets a name.

Have you missed food shots from the didge? Well, we forgot to a get a picture of Dr. Stirm's staff but did remember to take a picture of the meal. Steak with prawns...yummy!! Out to dinner without the kids. What a TREAT! get it...referring to the food being a treat, the office being on Treat and dinner without kids being our little treat.

1 comment:

Julia M. said...

That looks like an awesome party! I'm still a bit jelous that it is so warm there!

Danny's Birthday

We went to Monterey again for Danny's birthday and lucked out with amazing weather.  Blake was pretty difficult last time we went so Gle...