Monday, June 24, 2024

Week in Review

 How we fill our summer days....I work from 7 or to 12 or 1 each day depending on lessons. Lately I have been getting up around 5:30 to get the home and kids stuff organized before I go.  After that we fill our afternoons with fun. 

Last week we did our first day of water polo and the kids had so much fun! Blake proclaimed he thought he would be really good at polo if he did it.  I reminded him he was athletic. It was fun. Last year we did it with the little kids and it was so hard but this year we broke them into 3 groups and did a set and two smaller groups and it was perfect with some coaches in the water helping the kids who couldn't swim much. I'll have to remember noodles next year.  It was a highlight of the week for a lot of them. 

I can't remember what we did Monday.  Maybe nothing.  Tuesday we were going to go to Water World and they are now closed on Tuesday....booo! So we went Bowling and pizza with Ryan instead. It was fun. Then we went to the A's game in Oakland with the 13&ups.  Kira was bummed to miss it since she was at FSY.  We rode bart in and all had a great time and the A's actually won.  Everyone knows I have one goal to get on the jumbo-tron and we got on twice.  Big Feature.  Go us!  Matty also successfully started the wave. It was a good time had by all. After Tyler and I went to get food at Wendy's since we are too cheap to buy $20 chicken tenders at the game.  It tasted good. 

Wednesday Blake had the Westover's birthday party. He went to Inside out 2 again but this time could actually hear since it wasn't at the drive in with a bad radio and ate chicago deep dish pizza which he said was disgusting.  Hanna went to Paisley's for the day and had so much fun playing with Paisley. She loves Paisley! We had a meet against IVST. It was fun to swim a faster team finally and the kids starting to look alive again. 

Thursday we went to Water World with Parker and Hanna.  Blake was tired and has been really into reading his book series so decided to stay home and out of the sun. He and his friends were playing in our backyard most of the morning swimming.  Hanna got onto rides she had never done and loved it. We also got a bunch of tubes from people since they were leaving.  Going the last two hours of the park is the best.  It is warm, people are leaving and 2 hours is perfect.  We had a blast.  That night we had an Olympic Trial Viewing Party at the pool which was so fun! It look some work to get things set up and we were all watching from the computer when it wasn't dark enough but when night came, people showed up and we had a blast.  Chipotle burritos also made it amazing for the mcmillans!  Danny set up his amazing sound system which sounds amazing.  Lots of compliments at the meet about feeling the music. That night I was tired as were the kids. 3 nights out with the A's game, meet and then movie night hit me hard.  

Friday we hit National smoothie day at Jamba Juice for $1 smoothies and bowling in which the kids are actually getting better at not having meltdowns about who wins and actually better bowlers.  Tyler got a turkey which was amazing. 

Saturday was our meet with the Rudgear Rats and Tyler went into the City with the 15-18s to take pics of his and Ephraims car. Ephraim has helped revitilize the 15-18s and always wants to do stuff with them which is fun. Tyler said they all had a blast. Nikki swam in her first meet and was nervous and then had a great time. So glad she is going to join. She also got into San Diego State so will be here for County...yay!! Now she just has to make it.  Looking up for our15-18 relays. 

Today concluded Olympic Trials for swimming. We got peacock to stream trials and watched it one day but our internet has been down for a week.  It has actually been a blessing because the kids can't be on screens.They were playing fort night too much or just watching shows which is no bueno. Now they are forced to play games, swim and read while I am at work. WE have been playing a lot of Rack-O with Hanna (her new fav game) and Play 9 with the younger 3.  

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