Sunday, June 2, 2024

WST Casini Ranch

We did our 1st annual WST campout which was a huge success at Casini Ranch.  Danny couldn't go because he had Vee, his front office managers, wedding in San Ramon.  He said it was a lot of fun but didn't get pics because it was a pictureless wedding.  Here are the 3 he got.

Highlights of Casini Ranch...

Hanna LOVED playing with all the little girls next to us at camp.  She would ask if she could babysit them and take them to the park.  She, Julie and Maggie would bike around and play when she wasn't taking care of the! 

Blake had fun floating down the river with his friends and playing whiffle ball.  Flynn taught him how to pitch which he loved to show me.  

Parker loved floating down the river with Blake's friends. His close friends weren't there which was hard at times.  He also loved jumping on the jumping pillow. 

My favorite thing was watching the kids with their friends! We have a great community with amazing people.  I don't ever get the chance to hang out with most of the families because I am always coaching so it was fun getting to know them a little better. 

Amy took the teen girls and got great pics.  Sadly, my phone was dead most of the trip and I didn't have a charger.  I don't regret not having a phone but do regret not having more pics.  Here are some that  I got from others.

Kira's crew....Livia, Eliza, Georgia, Kira and Coni.  

We brought Julie and Connor which I was happy about.  I had a group site all to myself. Originally some of my coaches were going to come and then one by one they changed their mind. I wish I knew that earlier but oh well.  Next year, I now will only be in charge of me.  Good lesson learned.

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