Sunday, June 16, 2024


 The week was jammed pack with age group outings.  

We had friends over to swim on the weekend which was fun.  Hanna had Teddy and Maggie and Parker had friends from school.  The boys love to do a wave pool.  Hanna wants to have a playdate everyday. 

Monday the 11-12s did the escape room which Blake said was a lot of fun and they escaped.  I planned on taking Hanna and Parker to the water park when Blake was at the activity and it was conveniently about 2 minutes away...score!  We have season passes so that was fun on a hot day.  

Tuesday was pump it up and rock-in jump.  We did an hour at both.

Wednesday was the meet against WHO and it was fun seeing Amelia.  She is doing great and excited to transfer and swim at TCU next year!

Thursday we did the drive in.  Our radio didn't work even though Danny tried to fix it but luckily we were able to hear others music.  It was windy and cold which was crazy because it was about 90 the day before.  My 3 littles sat in the back of the van and Kira and her friends sat in another car.  The kids pretty much bundled inside trunks.  

Friday we played waterpolo with all the age groups which the kids loved and then we went to our 9/10 bowling outing.  Blake was in a mood and hangry so that was a little stressful.  Parker had fun with his friends once he left Blake's lane.

Saturday we had a meet against Geringher which was fun because they had basketball courts and volleyball courts and playgrounds for the kids to play at.  Afterwards we went to Sophia Cadero's grad party.  The little kids swam.  Blake had a meltdown after pool so I ended up taking him to Wendy's, John's ice cream and to sit at Krey park which was fun and allowed him to cool down.  

We went to church today and watched some Olympic Trials.  Bailey isn't swimming great but it was fun to watch her on TV and we are proud of her for how hard she was worked and how amazing she is.

Overall a good week.  

Tyler was at high adventure for the week and had fun and Kira was in Utah at Grammy camp. 


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