We are looking for a home in Walnut Creek. Originally, we were just looking to buy the home we will stay in to raise our kids but then I had the thought that maybe we should buy a home closer to the pool I am working which is a very cute neighborhood but doesn't have that many bigger homes. We could live there for a couple of years and be so close to the pool and elementary school and then rent it out in 2-5 years, see what happens to the market and then buy a bigger home. I am a minimalist and feel I would be happy with whatever but then I question what would be best for our kids. Home that needs some work is good because everyone can work to get some home projects done which I think is good to learn the value of work. Bigger home gives us a little breathing room, easier to entertain, but so much more to clean. We shall see...
Well, we put an offer on the smaller home. I liked it and Danny not so much. He liked it because I liked it and I didn't like it because he didn't like it. I guess that is what marriage looks like after 15 years. Compromise but thinking about the other ahead of yourself. Your joy can't be totally full if the others isn't. I wouldn't have been excited if we got the home, knowing he was only excited for me.
So we put in an offer. Not super strong offer and not super high knowing it would probably go to someone else which would be a relief. If we got it, we would know it was meant to be. Got a call that there is someone willing to borrow 1.1 or 1.2 from their parents to pay all cash for the home right away. I was so happy that someone loved the home that much. It made me happy for them and relieved for Danny. It is crazy that small, fixer uppers go for over a million dollars. But makes me feel much better when I look at homes and realize that the 2 bedroom, 2 million dollar condo has to be in the area Danny works and sure enough it always is. He loves his patients and I am grateful they apparently have money to buy a 2 million dollar condo and hopefully money to continue to fix their teeth. LOL!
The house hunt continues.
Thursday, February 13, 2020
Saturday, February 8, 2020
Ski Days
Blake and Kira got ski passes to Sierra at Tahoe. Shawna takes them on Fridays. Blake really likes it and Kira kind of likes it. I think she would be happier going on intermediate lifts but everyone wants to go on Diamonds so it is hard for her to progress and really enjoy it when she is a little out of her comfort zone.
This Friday, a mom organized a homeschool ski day. I didn't think I was going to go because it is really hard with Parker and Hanna. I was really hoping Parker would learn last week but he was so stubborn and just wanted to fly down the mountain fast and not learn. When he fell, he would yell at me of why I made him fall. It was exhausting.
I decided to go last minute since I had so many amazing friends, some skiing and some not that said they would help with Hanna.
I was on a lift last time with a ski instructor and she said that with some kids you tell them they can do whatever they want for 1/2 the run and then they have to do what you want for 1/2. All Parker wanted to do was go down the huge terrain park. Someone showed us a little kid terrain park and it was perfect for Parker. An answer to prayer. I took him down the 2 small jumps and he went flying with me and then he had to do the rest of the run himself and learned. By lunch he was skiing independently and by the end of the day he was turning, stopping, and was doing great.
Shawna and Greg took hanna skiing until lunch and then she hung out with Bonnie and her kids after lunch. She had a great time. I feel bad asking people for help, but am always so blessed when friends are willing to help claiming that they are so happy to ski or hang out with her. These are moments I really miss my parents. They would have loved to ski with my kids. Loved to hang out with them. When those moments come, I recognize that the Lord has placed amazing friends in my life to parent alongside me.
Heidi came with us. It made the car ride so much better! So grateful for friends. I got my social time in. I asked Danny this morning if he ever wanted to ski with us and he said not really. He said it isn't fun to not be able to do what he could once do. Heidi was saying how fun it would be to go with adults and I told her I don't think it would be that fun for me because I would want to do things that I would be too afraid to do now or definitely hurt myself doing. Now my joy is seeing my kids or other kids learn a new skill and gain confidence.
Highlight of the day, besides Parker being willing to listen, was seeing Laurel and Jim. We probably skied 20 years ago together. Last time we went together we were going off jumps and I went first and skidded to a stop seeing my life flash before my eyes. Laurel was going to go until she heard my alarmed, death scream not to go. She said she knew I was serious with that. It turned out it was pretty much a rocky cliff we saved ourselves from. Now with 9 kids between us, those days are over. LOL! Oh to be young! It was just a couple of minutes as they headed into lunch. We had just had lunch and gone out to the slopes and Parker wasn't having it to stop again. Made my heart so happy to them!
Bummed I didn't get a pic with the whole group. There was about 5 families that went and the kids had a great time. Tyler didn't go. He had two tests and was in charge of a dance at school for ASB. He also felt so sick the last time he went so his skiing days are probably over. Maybe he would do ok in the elevation but probably not ok skiing and that is ok. Glad he realized it doesn't make him feel good.

This Friday, a mom organized a homeschool ski day. I didn't think I was going to go because it is really hard with Parker and Hanna. I was really hoping Parker would learn last week but he was so stubborn and just wanted to fly down the mountain fast and not learn. When he fell, he would yell at me of why I made him fall. It was exhausting.
I decided to go last minute since I had so many amazing friends, some skiing and some not that said they would help with Hanna.
I was on a lift last time with a ski instructor and she said that with some kids you tell them they can do whatever they want for 1/2 the run and then they have to do what you want for 1/2. All Parker wanted to do was go down the huge terrain park. Someone showed us a little kid terrain park and it was perfect for Parker. An answer to prayer. I took him down the 2 small jumps and he went flying with me and then he had to do the rest of the run himself and learned. By lunch he was skiing independently and by the end of the day he was turning, stopping, and was doing great.
Shawna and Greg took hanna skiing until lunch and then she hung out with Bonnie and her kids after lunch. She had a great time. I feel bad asking people for help, but am always so blessed when friends are willing to help claiming that they are so happy to ski or hang out with her. These are moments I really miss my parents. They would have loved to ski with my kids. Loved to hang out with them. When those moments come, I recognize that the Lord has placed amazing friends in my life to parent alongside me.
Heidi came with us. It made the car ride so much better! So grateful for friends. I got my social time in. I asked Danny this morning if he ever wanted to ski with us and he said not really. He said it isn't fun to not be able to do what he could once do. Heidi was saying how fun it would be to go with adults and I told her I don't think it would be that fun for me because I would want to do things that I would be too afraid to do now or definitely hurt myself doing. Now my joy is seeing my kids or other kids learn a new skill and gain confidence.
Highlight of the day, besides Parker being willing to listen, was seeing Laurel and Jim. We probably skied 20 years ago together. Last time we went together we were going off jumps and I went first and skidded to a stop seeing my life flash before my eyes. Laurel was going to go until she heard my alarmed, death scream not to go. She said she knew I was serious with that. It turned out it was pretty much a rocky cliff we saved ourselves from. Now with 9 kids between us, those days are over. LOL! Oh to be young! It was just a couple of minutes as they headed into lunch. We had just had lunch and gone out to the slopes and Parker wasn't having it to stop again. Made my heart so happy to them!
Bummed I didn't get a pic with the whole group. There was about 5 families that went and the kids had a great time. Tyler didn't go. He had two tests and was in charge of a dance at school for ASB. He also felt so sick the last time he went so his skiing days are probably over. Maybe he would do ok in the elevation but probably not ok skiing and that is ok. Glad he realized it doesn't make him feel good.

Purple Belts
Blake and Kira received their purple belts today. They earned them 2 months ago but we couldn't go to the ceremony. It is amazing how much they have learned in less than a year. Their confidence, discipline and leadership.
Martial arts was an answer to prayer for Blakes anxiety. When life was too hard to do organized sports and he had too much anxiety for anything, we patiently got him into martial arts. It was a struggle in the beginning. I would never know what the day would be, how the drop off would go. Some days he went in ok and other days I sat there with him, we watched, we waited and we were lucky if he made it to 10 minutes. After a month, I decided to pay for an entire year. Part of me thought it was crazy to commit to something for a year but the bigger part of me knew that on the hard days and hard months I would just give up and let him out of it and that would be the worst thing for him. It was such a positive place. It was full of encouragement with so little pressure that I knew this is where he needed to be to regain his confidence. It was so hard to see as a mom. With time, he went with more ease. Now, a year later, he scooters with Kira and usually looks forward to going. He always says he has a great time afterwards.
During his ceremony today, he was all smiles and all confidence. He was having fun. He felt proud. There is no better feeling and I was so proud. It is amazing how much they learned to get out of holds and how to defend themselves. I don't watch them anymore so it is such a difference after a couple of months to see how much they have learned.
The best part of homeschooling has been the relationship that Kira and Blake have gained together. The kids are starting to ask to do other sports and we are planning on moving so our time at Max is probably coming to an end. I am not sure they will keep doing martial arts but forever grateful for our time in this great sport. Forever grateful for helping then gain great skills and friendship. This week, the owner came up to me and told me what leaders they have been and how they are always willing to help others learn. That was one of the best compliments I could have received.
It has helped me be a better coach. It has helped me realize all I really want for my kids activities is to see them gain great life skills.
Martial arts was an answer to prayer for Blakes anxiety. When life was too hard to do organized sports and he had too much anxiety for anything, we patiently got him into martial arts. It was a struggle in the beginning. I would never know what the day would be, how the drop off would go. Some days he went in ok and other days I sat there with him, we watched, we waited and we were lucky if he made it to 10 minutes. After a month, I decided to pay for an entire year. Part of me thought it was crazy to commit to something for a year but the bigger part of me knew that on the hard days and hard months I would just give up and let him out of it and that would be the worst thing for him. It was such a positive place. It was full of encouragement with so little pressure that I knew this is where he needed to be to regain his confidence. It was so hard to see as a mom. With time, he went with more ease. Now, a year later, he scooters with Kira and usually looks forward to going. He always says he has a great time afterwards.
During his ceremony today, he was all smiles and all confidence. He was having fun. He felt proud. There is no better feeling and I was so proud. It is amazing how much they learned to get out of holds and how to defend themselves. I don't watch them anymore so it is such a difference after a couple of months to see how much they have learned.
The best part of homeschooling has been the relationship that Kira and Blake have gained together. The kids are starting to ask to do other sports and we are planning on moving so our time at Max is probably coming to an end. I am not sure they will keep doing martial arts but forever grateful for our time in this great sport. Forever grateful for helping then gain great skills and friendship. This week, the owner came up to me and told me what leaders they have been and how they are always willing to help others learn. That was one of the best compliments I could have received.
It has helped me be a better coach. It has helped me realize all I really want for my kids activities is to see them gain great life skills.
Thursday, February 6, 2020
Come Follow Me and Bows
I am grateful for Come Follow Me. I really do feel like it is inspired and exactly what our family needs. The New Testament was great last year but I have had a harder time implementing it this year. I think we just need something new. I was asked to talk about how I teach my kids the scriptures in Sunday School on Sunday and it allowed me to reflect on how we do this. Quite frankly, I often feel like I am not doing a great job but reflecting made me realize that we are doing an ok job. Definitely room for improvement, like always, but I do feel like we are striving to teach our kids.
I feel like I am not doing a good job when I think about us sitting reverently around a room reading our scriptures or learning something. My kids don't sit. At least Parker. It usually ends with me wishing it went better. But I reflected and realized we usually read the lesson and incorporate the thoughts and lessons throughout the week and I think that is what Come Follow Me is all about. Being at the beach and telling the kids to imagine what it was like for Nephi and his family to build a boat and somehow have the faith to leave their country and the miracle of making it to the promised land. The ideas our in our thoughts from the reading, the implementing and really making it come to life happens in small moments that the spirit teaches a real life lesson. That is far more impactful than sitting and reading about Nephi and I think that is the whole essence of the program.
Cindy did an informal bow making project at the park. That is way more impactful than sitting and reading about Nephi making a bow.
Danny has read his journal to the kids for years each night. They ask for him to read it. It is really cool that Scott asked for a workbook to keep a journal. He reads his scriptures and writes in his journal each night. I am not sure what he writes about but this it is such a great form of therapy and self reflection. That is why I still blog. This is the only record I have of our family. There is so much I forget about. I hope someday my kids will be able to see the good, the bad, the mistakes and the resilience of life. Parenting isn't easy. Life isn't easy. It is full of things we wish we could have been better but that is the amazing miracle of life!
This is Creekside Park. I am going to really miss all the amazing parks in Brentwood. We are so blessed! I love the last one of the kids just being kids. They disappear into the dried up river bed expect for when it rains. Then we come home with muddy kids but always an adventure.

I feel like I am not doing a good job when I think about us sitting reverently around a room reading our scriptures or learning something. My kids don't sit. At least Parker. It usually ends with me wishing it went better. But I reflected and realized we usually read the lesson and incorporate the thoughts and lessons throughout the week and I think that is what Come Follow Me is all about. Being at the beach and telling the kids to imagine what it was like for Nephi and his family to build a boat and somehow have the faith to leave their country and the miracle of making it to the promised land. The ideas our in our thoughts from the reading, the implementing and really making it come to life happens in small moments that the spirit teaches a real life lesson. That is far more impactful than sitting and reading about Nephi and I think that is the whole essence of the program.
Cindy did an informal bow making project at the park. That is way more impactful than sitting and reading about Nephi making a bow.
Danny has read his journal to the kids for years each night. They ask for him to read it. It is really cool that Scott asked for a workbook to keep a journal. He reads his scriptures and writes in his journal each night. I am not sure what he writes about but this it is such a great form of therapy and self reflection. That is why I still blog. This is the only record I have of our family. There is so much I forget about. I hope someday my kids will be able to see the good, the bad, the mistakes and the resilience of life. Parenting isn't easy. Life isn't easy. It is full of things we wish we could have been better but that is the amazing miracle of life!
This is Creekside Park. I am going to really miss all the amazing parks in Brentwood. We are so blessed! I love the last one of the kids just being kids. They disappear into the dried up river bed expect for when it rains. Then we come home with muddy kids but always an adventure.

We put on offer on a home in Walnut Creek. It seemed like a great home for us but after months of sitting someone put an offer on it. We put in a back off offer knowing that it would have been so rare for anything to happen to the first offer. After 2 months, the home finally closed to the other people. So many emotions of should we have acted faster, was it just not meant to be, maybe it was a good learning lesson for when the right home comes along, will we find a home that has everything that home had.
There were things we loved but also things we would have changed and I just keep praying that we will find a home that will be everything we love. I have never bought a home with the intention that this will be our forever home but I feel like our next home could be that. One day I am sure we will downsize when we don't have tons of kids in our home. I feel like we know what we want and don't want.
It is hard to the know the right timing of things. I took a job in Walnut Creek that I definitely feel great about. I am excited for the team, to be with my sister and her kids. My kids are so blessed to be with cousins. I think it will be a great fit for our family. The one thing that I sometimes worry about is balancing my kids but then I realize there are great preschool programs in the area and that makes me excited and I know they will be blessed!
So I just patiently pray that the right home at the right time will all work out. I really feel like the market will correct in a year or two. You never know but the market reminds me so much of 2006. If we find the right home, we will make an offer, but if we don't find the right home we will just wait. I had so much anxiety after we bought in 2005 at the height of things but we were in a totally different financial situation. Now, it would be nice not to have to buy high but in the scheme of things it doesn't make that much a difference.
Now our kids wellbeing and what is best for them comes first. I feel very blessed that our decisions can be based on what is best for them and allowing the timing to be placed in the Lord's hands.
There were things we loved but also things we would have changed and I just keep praying that we will find a home that will be everything we love. I have never bought a home with the intention that this will be our forever home but I feel like our next home could be that. One day I am sure we will downsize when we don't have tons of kids in our home. I feel like we know what we want and don't want.
It is hard to the know the right timing of things. I took a job in Walnut Creek that I definitely feel great about. I am excited for the team, to be with my sister and her kids. My kids are so blessed to be with cousins. I think it will be a great fit for our family. The one thing that I sometimes worry about is balancing my kids but then I realize there are great preschool programs in the area and that makes me excited and I know they will be blessed!
So I just patiently pray that the right home at the right time will all work out. I really feel like the market will correct in a year or two. You never know but the market reminds me so much of 2006. If we find the right home, we will make an offer, but if we don't find the right home we will just wait. I had so much anxiety after we bought in 2005 at the height of things but we were in a totally different financial situation. Now, it would be nice not to have to buy high but in the scheme of things it doesn't make that much a difference.
Now our kids wellbeing and what is best for them comes first. I feel very blessed that our decisions can be based on what is best for them and allowing the timing to be placed in the Lord's hands.
Monterey Bay Aquarium
There are some great perks of homeschooling. One of them is more free time to play, hang out with friends (both moms and kids) and go adventuring. It has been great to change my mindset of learning and growing vs going to school to learn. I used to feel like the kids had to go to school to learn. I am so much more flexible in learning there are so many different ways to learn, different ways to become a better human, friend and tighter family.
On Monday we went to homeschool day at Monterey Bay Aquarium. It is a great aquarium and was a gorgeous day. A couple of friends stayed the night before and I debated but decided I wanted to be home on Sunday to refuel. We hit little traffic and enjoyed a couple hours in the morning looking at the otters, penguins, fish and so much more. I love the little kid area to just hang out. Parker is challenging wherever we go and that is hard.
Around 2 we went to the beach and had a great time. As much as I love the Monterey Bay Museum being outside is always my favorite. My kids can roam, play in sand, climb rocks and just enjoy. I have 6 really active kids so being out and doing is always happiness for me. I wish I brought the kids suits. I thought about it right before leaving and thought it would be too cold. It wasn't and the kids played for about an hour before getting too cold in clothes. Went to in n out and headed home It was a great day with friends but I was tired when we got home.
These are all from Shawna's facebook post. I haven't gotten mine off my phone. It was a GORGEOUS day!! The best part of these photos are seeing a smile on Blakes face. In so many ways it seems like forever ago that he was a kid who couldn't go out. Who struggled beyond words. Heartbreaking. When I see these, some of those memories come back and I realize what a different person he is and have so much to be grateful for. I know time would have helped no matter what, but feel so grateful to be able to homeschool him to accelerate the healing. The Lord has blessed us with an incredible homeschool community and new perspective. There are definitely some days that I am so tired and think I am crazy for doing this, but I wouldn't change it for these smiles and these two years with my little ones. It is a period in parenting that I will be forever grateful for!

On Monday we went to homeschool day at Monterey Bay Aquarium. It is a great aquarium and was a gorgeous day. A couple of friends stayed the night before and I debated but decided I wanted to be home on Sunday to refuel. We hit little traffic and enjoyed a couple hours in the morning looking at the otters, penguins, fish and so much more. I love the little kid area to just hang out. Parker is challenging wherever we go and that is hard.
Around 2 we went to the beach and had a great time. As much as I love the Monterey Bay Museum being outside is always my favorite. My kids can roam, play in sand, climb rocks and just enjoy. I have 6 really active kids so being out and doing is always happiness for me. I wish I brought the kids suits. I thought about it right before leaving and thought it would be too cold. It wasn't and the kids played for about an hour before getting too cold in clothes. Went to in n out and headed home It was a great day with friends but I was tired when we got home.
These are all from Shawna's facebook post. I haven't gotten mine off my phone. It was a GORGEOUS day!! The best part of these photos are seeing a smile on Blakes face. In so many ways it seems like forever ago that he was a kid who couldn't go out. Who struggled beyond words. Heartbreaking. When I see these, some of those memories come back and I realize what a different person he is and have so much to be grateful for. I know time would have helped no matter what, but feel so grateful to be able to homeschool him to accelerate the healing. The Lord has blessed us with an incredible homeschool community and new perspective. There are definitely some days that I am so tired and think I am crazy for doing this, but I wouldn't change it for these smiles and these two years with my little ones. It is a period in parenting that I will be forever grateful for!

Scott's 14th birfday
Scott had a good birthday, I think. He got some shoes, a huge Nd magnet, parts for his helicopter, LED lights for his Slash, 2 2s batteries for his Slash, a high pitch prop for his Spartan, and a GPS speedometer. On Friday he hosted a party where there was pizza, drinks, TV, and trampoline time. It was a good party.
Scott's a good kid. He wants to do what's right and puts up with a lot of crap from his sibs. He likes his phone, jazz band, his long hair, VANS, and his RC toys.
Happy birthday! We love you! Okay, bye.
Scott's a good kid. He wants to do what's right and puts up with a lot of crap from his sibs. He likes his phone, jazz band, his long hair, VANS, and his RC toys.
Happy birthday! We love you! Okay, bye.
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Danny's Birthday
We went to Monterey again for Danny's birthday and lucked out with amazing weather. Blake was pretty difficult last time we went so Gle...

My mom is in town from Utah. She spent the night at the hospital last night and has been holding Tyler quite a bit. He really enjoys being h...
Ok, should we just rename our blog the McMillan Pediatrics Medical Journal? Everyone has issues. Our family is congenital medical disorders....
The season has begun for summer swim lessons. If anyone is interested in or knows someone who is looking for swim lessons please pass on my ...