Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Designer Babies

Kelly Ripa was talking about an article on designer babies. Fertility clinics being able to determine the sex, eye color, etc. of your baby. I think there is a flood of fertility stories due to the octuplets arrival. Of course it is a good thing to desire the best for your children. But what does that really mean? Some children's problems are more visible than others, but all come with unique and diverse challenges. No child is perfect, yet society thinks a certain child will be loved more, simply better if they fit their criteria as a "designer" baby? I feel honored to be the mom to Scott, Tyler and Carl. Would they be considered designer babies because in my mind they are? Maybe Scott to the naive eye, but most definitely not Tyler with his heart and Carl with his brain. Still the same, they were perfectly made for my family and know they were designed exactly how Heavenly Father wanted them to be. Scott, my healthy child, has brought me great joy and love, however, hasn't been able to teach, uplift or increase my love any more or better than my other two children. Maybe I should tell the world that if they really want an increase of love or real appreciation of life and motherhood they should design a baby who is not the typical designer baby.


allison said...

I couldn't agree with you more. I wouldn't change a thing about any of my children. Not their eye color & not even little Joshua's heart. I'd love to take away all of the pain he's been through & wish that he never felt any again, but his trials make him who he is. I can't even begin to tell you how blessed we are...half a heart and all!

Unknown said...

I saw that on Regis and Kelly this morning too. Can they really do that? It is pretty unbelievable. It is scary how advanced science is getting. One of the coolest things about having your own biological children is to see a little bit of you and your husband in him or her. Why would anyone want to alter that?

Heart Mommy said...

You are one of my favorite people... You are such a sweet "heart". Thanks for all the nice things you say....

On this subject about designer babies. I could not agree with you more. The difficulties are certainly overwhelming when it comes to children in general. Even typical children can become a challenge. There are so many things that have changed for the better from having both of my children, like perspective, patients, and faith. How lucky I am. Some people wonder how we heart mommies do it... Do what? Love our children, want the best for them, would do anything for them.. We do it because that is what mommies and daddies do!!! Right? I am a little weirded out by cloning and the things that go with that. Do you clone a child just so can have healthy organs to give to another. What about the rest of that child. Don't they have just as much to offer as the first. The mom of the Octs poses another thought.. Many have questioned her... I say way to go for giving each of those beautiful babies a chance and not terminating a single one when the doctors told her it was in the best interest of the other children. How would you choose. So way to go... Yes, her life will be extremely difficult. Yes, Cali residents will be paying for many of the expenses she will have... Those are the sad things. Some times the few good things out weigh the sad/bad... What do you think?

Sorry for the super long comment. Your thoughts today really made me think... Thank you.

Robin said...

Society just sucks!

Jenny said...

Interesting concept- "designer baby". Quite conceited to think that we can design something better than the Master. I hope that my perspective on anything will never be so narrow minded. This mortal existance can be so blinding at times!

The Simmons Family said...

I think the greatest blessings are found in our flaws. I don't think there is a "PERFECT" child. Kamryn is healthy, strong, intelligent, funny... her teeth are crooked, she needs glasses... but she's PERFECT to me. Owen has a bum heart.. but a smile that can light up anyones heart!! I wouldn't trade who they are for anything! Who are we to mess with Heavenly Father's plan for us?

Great post. You are amazing!!!

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