Sunday, July 21, 2024

Woodlands Invitational 2024

Leading up to invitational, we do the 15-18 water balloon fight and 13/up dinner.  We changed it to Thursday this year so kids could sleep on Friday and have a day between swimming.  It was a great idea but of course Mel complained that alumni parents couldn't come.  They couldn't come Thursday night at 10PM because so many of them work in the City (you honestly can't make this stuff up).  
All the kids had fun. It was a super hot night which was amazing to get tats and swim in the pool.

Invitational is always fun but it was rather stressful for me since I felt like I was doing HR all day on Saturday after almost every heat had a kid pulled from the blocks for fall starts...grrr.  It was a mess and we were stuck in the middle of a few usa officials and the spirit of rec swimming.  The kids had fun.   And overall the meet was a success by the end of Sunday.  Harry is going to be the new meet director.  Liz did a great job this year.  Grateful for the many parents who put in so much work to make it a success.  Hanna tied for highpoint with a really tall girl. 

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