Monday, July 1, 2024

Scott's 4 month mark

I just counted and realized Scott has been out for 4 months which is crazy.  So far he is off to an amazing start and enjoying the journey and people and culture which makes me so happy.  I am sure hard times are coming ahead as they always do but so proud of who he is and is becoming.  Today we were at the water park and Tyler was so sad he didn't get to talk to him like he usually does.  It made me realize how grateful I am to have his example in our families life.  I hope our other kids are inspired to serve missions as they see how awesome the experience can be.  Today he sent these pictures and the second one to me was breath-taking.  I told him that and he laughed at me but I just looked at it and realized how amazing God's creations are.  I just feel peace and wonder looking at it.  It was a pretty cool experience.  There is so much beauty in the world.  Beauty in the people, beauty in what people do and beauty in our world.  


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In-N-Out Fieldtrip

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