Christmas 2019

Kylin joined us to make gingerbread houses on 12/21/19.

 For Christmas eve we went to Heather's church in Walnut Creek and then ate at the former China Village.  Walt used to love the China Village even though I thought it was just okay.  Heidi took home Parker and Hanna since she didn't think they'd survive the restaurant.  The food was better than expected. 

On Christmas we went to Heather's for din din.  Tom and Barbara and Bob and Betty came.

Heather's home is always put together.

This was a game involving unwrapping toys that were tightly wound up in cellophane.  When the group rolled a five, your unwrapping turn was up.

Someone in Concord builds these huge light spectacles every year.  This year featured the Star Wars scene, appropriate since episode 9 released this month.  The boys and I saw it yesterday and I really liked it. 

It was a good Christmas.  The kids got way too much stuff but were happy with their gifts. 


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