Typical Day with Parker

It is fun having some time with Parker in the mornings.  Just the two of us and the baby who right now doesn't fight for much attention.  I can hold her and she is happy or fussy.  The day always starts with him wanting to ride his bike.  He goes out in the morning with his siblings as they ride in the court waiting for the last of the crew.  This is fine but it is the time I need to get the house in order, dressed and ready for the day.

We had my 6 week check up at Kaiser.  I got there 10 minutes late because Danny had to go into work to cover for someone for the day so it took me a little longer to get the kids ready.  Usually no big deal but the doctor left to do a C-section.  That is rare at Kaiser because usually they have doctors to see patients and other doctors delivering babies but they must have been busy.  Usually this would irritate me but it didn't so I was grateful.  Maybe I am becoming more patient.  Maybe I just didn't see the point of the appt except that I wanted a referral to a dermatologist.  Instead we turned in paperwork for Hanna which is the best feeling. I hate filling out paperwork and dealing with it so that is always a great feeling.  As I held the Hanna, Parker loved to push the empty stroller.  His favorite thing is to find bumps in the road or along his path.  he seeks them out and will go over and over them.  As we waited for the paperwork appt I fed Hanna and read a book to Parker.  I have realized that when I feed Hanna it is a great time to read to Parker.  It makes it his quality little time.  He LOVES the baby.  To the point that I can't leave the two alone because he will just want to hold her, hug her and probably smoosh her if I wasn't watching.

AFterwards, we needed to get mealworms for Scott and his gecko.  We went into the pet store and it was the BEST date in the entire world.  That kid loves animals, but HE LOVED IT!  I was so sad I forgot my phone.  HE went to every animal using his limited vocabulary and shrieks of excitement.  It was so cute!  He would show anyone who went by him the bird, then the mice then the snake.  We probably stayed in there for over an hour looking at the animals.  It was so fun to watch him.  Finally we had to get blake but I had such a great time with my little man.  He is so sweet, feisty, cute, easy going, independent  and determined all in one somehow.

I realize how fast the time goes so I am really enjoying my time with him.


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