
More and more people are homeschooling.  It is something that years ago was something that I had 0% interest in but as time goes on I become more intrigued.  The past year I have found myself listening to my friends or even strangers telling their story and reason to homeschool.  I feel like it is a road that is becoming more popular and the reasons are vast.  I feel a yearning to learn more, to explore and to be open minded to the idea.  It is a desire that keeps growing in my heart and in my mind.

My kids generally like school, like learning and like their friends.  Everything that school should offer.  This year, I have found sports and activities fill our afternoons.  As the kids get older, I find our time together becomes more limited.  I have a 5th grader who has been bored for the past couple of years and I feel like this year is the first year that the culmination of boredom has really hit him.  He goes to school and is bored.  Maybe it is hormones or the age, but part of it is that school comes extremely easy for him and as the school system seems to keep making school easier, standards easier, without the thought for the kids who it is already too easy for.  Maybe it is the area we are in, maybe it is our district.  The school tried to do an accelerated 4th/5th grade class for the district, but it didn't get enough of parent support. I didn't support it because it meant driving him 20 minutes away, a curriculum that wasn't certain and no plan.

When you talk about allowing kids to be taught at their learning level, there is really no solution because then it would be a problem the following year or not possible because of their peers.  You realize that public school has to somehow come up with a curriculum that best serves the majority and at the same time not leave anyone behind.  Teachers are spending more and more time focusing on the kids that need to meet the standards.  Accelerated kids fall into special education but I don't see special education doing much to stimulate and help them grow.

There are things that seem really appealing to me about home schooling.  Spending more time with family.  Spending more time with siblings.  Developing the qualities that are the most important for kids to learn....qualities of love, faith, service, kindness.  Spending time working at their true academic levels.  Spending time on activities that interest the kids.  The flexibility seems amazing.  The influence seems great.  The things that I am hesitant about it having the responsibility, time and energy to make it work.  The biggest concern is taking them from what mainstream society does and says is right.  Taking them from friends and recess.  Taking them from a diverse population that helps them to teach, be patient, be a learner and the myriad of things that a classroom teaches kids to get along with others and work with others.  When I think of the negatives, I realize that there is no reason why they still can't have friends or remain friends with their peers.  All it takes is phone calls just like it does today.  Not to mention the many kids they would continue to meet in a new settting.

I know homeschooling now offers those opportunities.  I know as more and more people choose this option, their are groups and classroom settings that are still available that still offer the flexibility to be the major driving influence for each child.

A topic that is on my heart and I will explore and ponder and figure out what is best for my little and big kids. I am grateful there are so many options available today.  I have no idea if it is something I will ever do but I do find my heart and desires changing.


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