Monday, May 27, 2024

Memorial Day 2024!

So grateful for all the men and women who serve in our military and the families and soldiers who sacrificed all to bless us with an incredibly beautiful, safe and amazing country to raise our kids and incredible freedoms!  I recognize that we have freedoms beyond measure because of others!! 

We spent the morning working in our yard and from 12-7 enjoying the home the pool the Crawfords built...quite literally with friends who are like family.  So many different worlds collided today from swim team coaches to homeschool families and church friends and I just left feeling so grateful for the amazing people I have in my life who love me and love my children! 

Highlights for Blake were his many gainers and crushing it in pool, Parker liked the waterslide the best, Hanna playing with her friends and Kira and Tyler hanging out with their friends in the hot tub.  I loved catching up with everyone and playing pool with the kids and of course eating yummy food and enjoying the sunshine after a couple cold days.  I have always missed the Crawfords memorial party because we usually host but it was so fun that we made it this year!


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