Friday, May 10, 2024

Hanna's 1st Grade and Fieldtrip

Hanna had a great 1st grade year full of lots of growth.  She enjoys reading, playing with friends and asks for playdates every single day.  She started Copa soccer this year and loves hanging out with swim friends and at the pool!
It was my last week volunteering in her classroom this week which was so fun being with her and getting to know her sweet classmates.  Having 6 kids you want to be as involved in every little moment you can be so they know you are present and they are important.  That is something I have realized more and more as a parent. The best part was being part of Hanna's day and seeing her grow and develop as a little human. Hanna has a hard time controlling her emotions when things don't go her way and I have seen her grow and mature and work on skills which allows her to be happier and a better friend.  I am proud of her and grateful for her teachers to love and teach these kids. 

Her last field trip wanted me to walk to the Ultimate Fieldhouse with her class for their basketball fieldtrip and it was so much fun.  She is so athletic so had an easy time learning to dribble and play the game and most importantly had fun and was a good sport.  Something that is a little harder for!  Being a little human is hard and grateful for amazing teachers, friends and parents who help our kids become a little better each year.  


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