LOVE LOVE LOVE that the Oakland Temple is open again. Danny and I were able to go a couple weeks ago on a Saturday morning and actually be able to a session. I am going to start going on Tuesday mornings again. So excited. Shawna and I are going to go on Tuesday mornings and whoever else we talk into going. The temple seems like an entirely different temple on the inside. I can't figure out where things used to be and how they changed it. Shawna got endowed this week and it was magical! So amazing to see someone embrace the gospel and receive all the blessings that the gospel brings into your life. Humbling and amazing. It was a magical day. Going through for the first time is information overload but being able to go through as an escort is such a neat experience because you get to just soak it all in. The assistant to the matron was such an amazing lady. Led by the spirit in her council and wisdom. Magical day! I came away filled with JOY! We had a lesson on the difference of joy and happiness in relief society and I just felt total joy the entire time. Realizing that the Lord wants and provides the way for us to have joy. Joy is possible through Christ. Grateful to return and continue to receive the spirit, the hope and the light of the temple more fully in my life.
Today in church we learned about the new youth program and I am so excited. It reminds me exactly why I am homeschooling. Being able to be a greater influence and teacher in my children's lives. It is so easy to expect everyone else to teach our children. They go from being at school all day, to sports or other activities and the time they have at home to be with family or learn about the gospel takes backseat. I have felt for the last couple of weeks that Danny should teach the kids piano. Some of it is the convenience but the main thing is that I think it could be a great bonding experience for them. Right now it is a struggle. Teaching your own kids is a struggle. They are used to learning from other people, respecting teachers more than their parents. Social norms. The thing my kids lack the most is quality time. 20-30 minutes of uninterrupted, quality time and I think that piano could be that for them. I really do feel that in time it would be a great thing for Danny to share with the kids.
Scott wanted to swim after volleyball but there was no room for Scott on the swim team. At first, I felt bad for him because he had friends on the team but he wasn't bothered. He used it as an opportunity to run and swim at the gym. So we have been going together to run and swim. It has been something we share together and I have really enjoyed. It is quality time. It also is a great motivator for me to get in shape finally.
So that is what I am most excited about the new youth program. It is a family based program. To incorporate learning into our family. To help our kids reach their potential. To help our kids seek out and recognize their talents and give them the tools to prepare for missions and to grow closer to the Lord.
I am excited to see the new skills and talents our family learns. I am excited to see us grow closer to the Lord. Most importantly to slow down and focus on what is most important. Having the spirit in our home. I really think it is going to be an amazing program!
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Friday, September 20, 2019
Thursday Thinkers
We do a co-op with a couple friends on Thursdays. I am loving it. We have a preschool that Parker is less than thrilled about but Hanna attends. They do music makers, a little bit of science and social studies. Read a book, color and do some exploring. Then they go to the park and play. We have a middle group (2/3) and older group (4-6) that does history and science. History is CA history and general history and science is chemistry and not sure what for the olders. The kids seem to be really into it and having fun. I lead the california history and it is fun. Here are some pics.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
San Luis Obispo Camping
Clayton, Cindy's dad, had his funeral in San Luis this weekend. I really wanted to be there to support her so we made a weekend of it. I took Scott and Tyler out of school on Friday and we went to San Luis Mission and walked around downtown San Luis. It was a super cute campus town. We went to the mission and the little kids aka Parker made it through about 30 minutes. The older kids listened to the entire tour. It was really cool to see the mission and learn about the mission system. After, we went to the beach which is always my happy place. It was the perfect beach for the kids. The waves were the perfect size and it was so hot out. We had a great time. We went to chipotle for dinner and headed to the Santa Margarita KOA to set up camp. I have never been to a KOA because it is double the price as camping and was never worth it but this weekend was member appreciation week that you get a night free. I decided showers, real bathrooms and places for kids to play made it worth it since I was on my own. It was heavenly. It was still camping but with amazing perks which made it kind of like glamping (at least for what we are used to). It was my first camping experience without Danny and we survived. We got the perfect campsite and as soon as we got there the kids found a tarantula that they had fun holding. They loved to hike up the mountain by our campsite.

The next day we hung around camp then took showers and got ready to meet Danny at the funeral. Danny came up with Stacy, Angela and Shannon who came for the funeral. It is about a 4 hour drive and I know meant so much to Cindy that they came. The funeral was beautiful. It was really neat to get to know Clay better. He was truly a man who loved people and making connections with people. He dealt with depression in his life and it was neat to her how he relied on the Savior through his hardest times. He was a great husband, dad, bishop and grandpa. Afterwards, we went to a luncheon with his family. It was beautiful and we all had a great time. My heart hurts for Cindy. I can't imagine losing a parent so suddenly. He was so young. It just doesn't seem fair sometimes but I do know he is in a better place.
Afterwards, we went back to the camp and Danny joined us. The kids had a good time jumping on the jumpy pillow, hanging out with Kevin the Emu and playing with the fire. The next day we went to the lake down the street and ran the RC boats. Danny and kids have been really into RC boats. They go to our local golf course lake to drive them. They had a successful run and the kids all had a great time. The boats tend to get problems and need retrieving so Danny wanted to quit while we were ahead and nobody needed to rescue a boat. Especially since it was a lake where you weren't allowed to swim because it was eventually used for drinking water. We were going to go to Hearst Castle on the way home but it was pretty far from the freeway so we decided to just head home.
The central coast was beautiful. I usually go to L.A. to hang out at the beach but this is way shorter a drive, less traffic and just as beautiful. Maybe that will be my new go to beach area. So many beautiful places to camp. Definitely want to go back.
Belt Ceremony
Blake and Kira got their orange belts last week. They do a ceremony that they get to show off the things they learned, spar with instructors and ceremony to accept the new belt. Karate has been good for both of them. It is right across the street so they are able to ride their bikes or scooters and is at the perfect time to get us home in the afternoon and have them go somewhere before dinner. Blake used to be soooo anxious and now feels totally comfortable and happy. Not sure if they will stick with it or not but super proud of the discipline and skills they learn from martial arts of respect, self confidence and so much more.
Sunday, September 8, 2019
Weekly Review
On Tuesday we did school in the morning and then went to the Bedford Gallery in Walnut Creek. I tried to get friends to come along since it was a free day but a lot of them are doing a robotics class. It is a small art room so I thought we would stay about 30 minutes and ended up staying an hour. It was all about inflatable art and really fun. Hanna liked seeing some inflatables that were floating and would blow up and down. They were colorful and fun. They even had an art project for the kids to do that was decorating a balloon. The best part of homeschooling is being to go out and do fun things with your family. Afterwards we went to Heather Farms to play. There were some home school families and some little kids there. Parker loved going down the hill. Over and Over and Over again! We had lunch and then headed home to get some presents for Tyler's birthday the following day. Went to Walmart and Target and headed home for dinner and Karate. The kids were troopers but we were definitely all spent by Target. I was stoked that they price matched a Lego set that was on clearance at Walmart and I saved $50. Wahoo! Always love the deals. That night I ran the kids to karate and then went to Cindy's who was hosted a baking night. I saw the Watt's on the way so finished their walk with them and then headed to the baking night. I am blessed with so many great friends of all ages. We had a lot of fun and ate some yummy treats. Perfect to compliment me trying to start excercise this week. LOL! Jeff came home looking like he saw a ghost. Something was horribly wrong and we left not knowing what happened. It turns out Cindy's dad suddenly passed away. I felt soo horrible for her. My heart just aches for her. We love her so much and I can't comprehend her loss. For a long time it was just her and her dad. He raised her until he got remarried and was an incredible dad and grandpa. 
Wednesday that kids had their first day at Vista Oaks. They were both excited. Kira goes to three rotations. She does art, math games and activities and a STEM wheel. She had a lot of fun. Blake was excited to be with his friends. He has Ethan, Chase and Jace in his class. I think it really helps that he is a 2nd grader in a 1/2 combo. It gives him confidence. He was excited to volunteer to be the reading helper for his side of the room and be able to help kids. It is funny how your perspective changes. The old me would worry about my kids being in a combo class and now I realize how often it is to be on the learning side and giving side. The skills of working together. He was happy when I left and I was so grateful for such a difference compared to last year. He is a totally different kid. He still has a long way to go but I give so much thanks that he is happy. They did a yoga/meditation class after their class and had a lot of fun. YAY for a great first day.
While they were at school, I really wanted to take advantage of the time with Parker and Hanna but of course it seems like my days always fill with something. We were running around trying to buy things and prep for Tyler's family birthday celebration that night. We went to the dollar store to get some last minute things, headed to Willy's to bring him lunch which we got to late since it was early release day. I felt sooo bad but he was so gracious for the fun lunch and treats when he got home. That is what I love about Tyler. He is always so grateful for just giving a little effort to make him feel special. We went to pick up Kira and Blake at Vista Oaks and went to yogurt pizzazz to celebrate the first day of school and Tyler's birthday. They had a great time. Afterwards, we started a mini-medical co-op that Oli put together in Discovery Bay. It was an information day and Blake shut down in the middle, He started getting stressed when they started to talk about the subjects that he didn't know about. We went to the hall. Parker was crazy like always. That kid can't sit still. It was time to go outside and the kids had fun doing the chem lab. They had to put together different elements using little models. Tyler wanted chinese for his birthday dinner so we picked some up and headed home for birthday dinner and family fun. The boys had scouts but decided to skip it so we could just hang out at home. Tyler got a star wars lego, fortnight onesie, some games, candy and some jeans that are all torn apart. Who would have ever thought of that fad. He said it was his best birthday yet but he says that every birthday.
He is a maturing. He is doing well in school. He is a really great friend. He is patient and kind. He likes all of his classes and enjoying middle school. I wish he would chill just a little at home but he is trending in the right direction. I know this is going to be a great year for him. He is healthy and we are all so blessed. I stayed up way to late prepping for our first co-op the next day. We are doing a history and science co-op with a couple friends. Preschool, 2-3 and 4th and up. I am doing ca history with the older kids. We did a timeline of some significant events we are going to talk about this week and they had a good time. It is with great families and great kids so I am excited for the year.
Thursday, I signed up to do my advisor meeting last minute so I was getting together all our paperwork for the meeting and having the kids fill out their packets. It was a rushed morning and off to co-op we went. It was a lot of fun. The older kids did amazing. Hanna like music time. Parker didn't do much. Grrr...that kid just can't sit still. It is hard to entertain him while the other kids do their schoolwork so I am still trying to figure out how to manage balancing Hanna and Parker with Blake and Kira. Grateful we put together the co-op. I think it is going to be a great year. Afterwards we went to the park and hung out and then headed home to relax a little bit and go to karate. I went to Scott's volleyball game and he did so well. They are a really young team but have improved so much. It was fun watching him try something new. Super proud of him. He is having fun. Tyler even wants to try it next year. I am going to sign him up for a volleyball class with the City and see if he likes it. I think he would enjoy it since it isn't too cardiovascular. That night I went out to dinner to celebrate Angela and Chanel's birthday. Busiest week ever. We went to BJ's and had a lot of fun with Karen, Maria, Valency, Chanel, Stacy and Angela and stayed out way too late. I got home around 1 and Danny can't figure out what we talk about for so long. I can't either. I was tired. Too much on my plate this week.
Friday we did school in the morning and then headed to the beach. LOL about having too much on my plate. It guess I just can't miss out on fun and friends. I decided to pick up my boys from school and take them out early and we had a lot of fun. Poor Tyler had a stomach ache and the older boys were done way before the younger kids. Hanna loves the sand and beach. She plays by herself, plays with parker, rolls in the sand and plays with the kids. It is so cute. Kira hung out with the older girls. Tyler went in the water and built in the sand. Scott talked to the adults most of the time. He is inbetween the kid/adult world. We headed home just in time to unload the car, clean up a little, grab a little to eat and head to Blake and Kira's belt ceremony for karate. They got their orange belts. They both really like karate and it is so convenient. Blake has grown so much and so proud of both of them.
Saturday I was a speaker at youth conference. I was matched up with Braeden who just got back from his mission. We talked about Europe. It was a lot of fun. We played Kahoot and did European trivia. The kids went to different rooms learning about different missions from different continents. There was a great speaker who got baptized in the ghetto of Oakland. I told the kids that this is what your mission is about. That you will be immersed in a different world than what you are used to and it will help you grow, gain empathy and understanding. It was fun talking about Europe. I realized that the Lord really does send us to the perfect mission. I listened to a lot of missionaries from different countries in europe and they were all so different and unique to their region. The kids had a great time and I think it was spiritual for them. The best part of the day for me was I finally got over my fear of using technology int the class. Ethan came and helped me in the morning which I was so grateful for! Then today in my Relief Society lesson I used technology again. We listened to President Nelsons 95th birthday celebration and it was so powerful. I have never once used it in my class. I have taught gospel doctrine for 4 year and always so scared. What a blessing to finally get over that fear. I feel like a whole new world opened up to me!
I came home and got ready for my Relief Society lesson but toward the end realized I prepped the wrong talk. LOL! Danny had ward council this morning and I read the other talk and found the video and I think it was a good lesson. We talked about protecting our kids and our homes and not letting bad things come into our homes. I am so grateful for our ward. I really do love so many people in our ward who love me and my children. Got home and Heidi got into Cindy's home through the back door to clean it before she got home so I went there with Heidi and Bridget and we cleaned her home. The kids quickly packed at night and they went straight to san luis so it felt so good to be able to help her come home to a clean home and just bring a little peace and joy to her. We love her so much! It feels so good to serve. Tonight we played reverse charades which Tyler got for his birthday and had a lot of fun. Overall, super duper busy week but filled with a lot of fun and good things.
Looking forward to a little more relaxed week ahead. One of my friends is getting diagnosed for ADD and kept telling me how I definitely have ADD because I go about 100 miles a minute. I had to pick up something at her house late on Friday for youth conference and she told me how ADD people procrastinate everything and then hyperfocus to get things done. YUP! Definitely sounds like me. ADD Heidi signing off at midnight. LOL!
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Danny's Birthday
We went to Monterey again for Danny's birthday and lucked out with amazing weather. Blake was pretty difficult last time we went so Gle...

My mom is in town from Utah. She spent the night at the hospital last night and has been holding Tyler quite a bit. He really enjoys being h...
Ok, should we just rename our blog the McMillan Pediatrics Medical Journal? Everyone has issues. Our family is congenital medical disorders....
The season has begun for summer swim lessons. If anyone is interested in or knows someone who is looking for swim lessons please pass on my ...