Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Poor Mister

Poor Mister was the victim of Blake shoving him off the tramp.  First I put on some ice and tried to close the wound with some steri-strips.  It was too big for that, and I considered putting in my own sutures.  But then I would have had to drive to the office, numb him up with one of my big long needles, and that would be hard since he'd thrash around.  So we took him to the Kaiser ER.

Heidi didn't want to sedate him but the doctor and I did.  I said, "It's hard hitting a moving target."  Eventually, they sedated him and the doctor put in six or so sutures.  I thought he'd do these nice under-the-skin ones to make for a better scar, but no.

Next time I'm going to do my own suturing. 

I remember Kim Rigby saying something to the effect of, "We haven't had a year without stitches or a broken bone."  She had four boys too. 

I was less upset at the accident and more upset at Blake for pushing him off.  I try to have conversations with the kids about how their bad reactions create real consequences for themselves and others.  I think Tyler felt bad about fighting with Blake to get Blake so upset. 

Mister was back on his bike later that night. 


Chelle said...

Ohhh!! Poor Parker! That is quite the gash! I hope it won’t scar too badly. Turin seems to be a magnet for cuts on his head that scar. He got a big one when Brockton threw a broken plate at him. Ah, siblings. I hope Parker feels better soon!

cici said...

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww so sorry Meester! Thats one big owie! He's a real guy now with a scar to prove it.

Big hug for him

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