Sunday, March 22, 2015

Baby #5 arrived

Baby #5 was born last night between 9:42 and 10:00 weighing 7lbs 8 oz and measuring 20".  I had Saturday off, so Heidi and I continued putting the home together while the kids entertained playdates.  I was happy that our home is open to guests because that's how Heidi's home was and she enjoyed it.

A little after lunch, Heidi complained of back pain and thought she was going into labor.  Kathleen came to the house to watch the kids and Heidi and I took the car to Kaiser.  She had group b strep, so they had to do four hours of antibiotics before breaking her water.  Her OB was my kind of guy:  matter-of-fact with a good sense of humor.  

I know everyone says that birth is such a beautiful experience but I just don't like it.  Heidi got an epidural which wasn't her best one, and she threw up a couple times.  She had to push quite a few more times than with previous labors but it was still under 30 minutes.  The baby came out purple and then the placenta came out all fibrotic brown.  When Scott was born, the placenta came out bright purple and I about fainted when I saw it.  There were quite a few staff in the room and they must have been concerned about something because otherwise they'd be hanging out in the lounge.  

The purple baby started to cry and the pediatrician was relieved.  Then everyone cleared out and we chilled for a bit with the baby.  He seemed to do well with his nightly feedings even though I felt like we were up every hour.  Heidi says he was better than Blake.  The hide-a-bed I slept in wasn't too bad and we slept pretty well from 5-7.  We still don't have a name because we wanted to see what he looked like, but we were on google this morning searching for names again.  Heidi wants to go home now and she's probably fit to do so, but I think it'll take longer than expected.  

He and Blakey share a birthday.  Kira's birthday was the 20th.  I'll upload her pictures from the big camera when I get home.  


Chelle said...

Wow, I can't believe you posted already! So great to see a couple pics of him! So what does a fibrotic brown placenta mean? As opposed to bright purple? I don't even know what color the placenta is supposed to be. Pink? Glad you didn't pass out. :) I can't believe Heidi handles childbirth so well. That she already wants to go home? Wow. I am def not like that. Can't wait to hear the name! And can't wait to see pics of the house either. Love you guys.

Heart Mommy said...

Wow!! Congrats guys!! I love that Kira is the cream filling of brothers. We are having a boy in June and haven't nailed down a name yet either. Although my list is long. I wanna munch on those sweet baby cheeks, he is super cute.

DavidandJuliann said...

We are so excited about the new addition to the family. Can't wait to meet him. We love you guys!

Janine said...

What a beautiful baby he is! I still can't believe he was born within hours of me leaving--I wanted to hold him so bad! It was so fun being there with you guys. Good luck with everything!

Dan-o said...

Congrats to the whole family! That is so exciting. I obviously haven't been following this blog enough because I hardly recognized some of your kids! They are all looking so grown up. We are happy that all is well with baby Parker and glad that things went okay with the birth. Seems like every time is a new adventure, no?

Julia M. said...

Congrats! A healthy baby boy. What a gift.

Your description of not liking birth made me laugh out loud. I guess the only cool part of birth is the human at the end. Maybe?

Good luck with the sleeplessness and adjusting to having another baby. We will be praying for you!

Had a successful meet against Scottsdale at Woodlands.  The kids swam well.