Friday, September 28, 2012
Friday, September 14, 2012
As Danny rode off on his bike with Scott behind waving good-bye, yelling over and over, "I love you mom, have a good day, see you soon," with his backpack bigger than he is I wondered when my baby got so big. So good on a bike to turn around and wave without falling or running into parked cars. I wondered how we were so lucky to live in a beautiful neighborhood and country. I was filled with JOY!
I was filled with joy that danny is so lucky to do something he loves that allows him to ride the boys to school!
This type of joy that can't be bought with money, a big house of fancy cars. It is the joy that is found with family, friends, love and living close to God. The joy of having a wonderful husband. The joy of having kids who enjoy school and are striving to be good little people. The joy that my husband gets to take my kids to school because he works down the street. I love our little neighborhood. It is perfect for our family! I felt so blessed!
I was filled with gratitude and simply needed to share!
I have the image in my head and need to capture it on film or with a photograph because I think it will be one of those moments in this moment of life that will forever make me happy.
Do you have any of those moments? What are they? Write them down to remember them forever.
As a kid I remember walking home with Erin and being greeted by my mom and grandma. They made me a snack. They asked me about my day. I felt loved. I felt special. I felt I was the most important at that moment. I remember that.
I remember sitting in the shower at Scottsdale or on the hot deck to get warm. That was joy.
I remember driving to LA in our van at night. We slept in the folded down back and watched movie. I remember getting there and being greeted my ga and granny. I remember playing at the beach and watching the rose bowl parade. That was joy!
I remember always having my parents at my soccer games, swim practices and gymnastics practice. They always supported me.
I remember doing my homework with my dad at night. He was always there for us. He could answer my homework questions, even if it meant reading the entire chapter to get what we were doing. I am grateful that Danny will do that someday because I am well aware my kids are going to surpass my skills.
I remember sunday dinners in the backyard. Yummy strawberry/lemonade smoothies. Sour and good.
My memories aren't necessarily the presents or big trips. It was the time that we spent together. What a reminder for me as a mom! I am blessed with parents that led by example. They taught me the importance of spending time with your kids. You don't know to be involved in everything, just need to be available.
I was filled with joy that danny is so lucky to do something he loves that allows him to ride the boys to school!
This type of joy that can't be bought with money, a big house of fancy cars. It is the joy that is found with family, friends, love and living close to God. The joy of having a wonderful husband. The joy of having kids who enjoy school and are striving to be good little people. The joy that my husband gets to take my kids to school because he works down the street. I love our little neighborhood. It is perfect for our family! I felt so blessed!
I was filled with gratitude and simply needed to share!
I have the image in my head and need to capture it on film or with a photograph because I think it will be one of those moments in this moment of life that will forever make me happy.
Do you have any of those moments? What are they? Write them down to remember them forever.
As a kid I remember walking home with Erin and being greeted by my mom and grandma. They made me a snack. They asked me about my day. I felt loved. I felt special. I felt I was the most important at that moment. I remember that.
I remember sitting in the shower at Scottsdale or on the hot deck to get warm. That was joy.
I remember driving to LA in our van at night. We slept in the folded down back and watched movie. I remember getting there and being greeted my ga and granny. I remember playing at the beach and watching the rose bowl parade. That was joy!
I remember always having my parents at my soccer games, swim practices and gymnastics practice. They always supported me.
I remember doing my homework with my dad at night. He was always there for us. He could answer my homework questions, even if it meant reading the entire chapter to get what we were doing. I am grateful that Danny will do that someday because I am well aware my kids are going to surpass my skills.
I remember sunday dinners in the backyard. Yummy strawberry/lemonade smoothies. Sour and good.
My memories aren't necessarily the presents or big trips. It was the time that we spent together. What a reminder for me as a mom! I am blessed with parents that led by example. They taught me the importance of spending time with your kids. You don't know to be involved in everything, just need to be available.
Can you believe Tyler is 5?? I really can't but so far 5 has been magical. Except for the bad headache last night, Tyler is a new kid. He is happy, healthy, social, fun to be around, loveable with a little kick instead of a lot. His fontan has made him into a new kid and we are all loving it. His cardiologist said that kids personalities oftentimes transform after the Fontan and not being so oxygen deprived. I didn't hold my breathe, but he has miraculously transformed. It makes me realize how sick he really was. His blueness became normal and I thought his personality was just him being tough. I guess he really wasn't feeling well for the first 4 1/2 years of his life. Gives me a little more patience and empathy to try to understand why my kids or adults for that matter act the way they do.
It is a miracle. Each birthday for Tyler is a miracle. We have so much to celebrate this year! He started school and loves it. He has made some great friends. He enjoys learning. He goes swimming with his brother and loves it. He is living a healthy and happy childhood. I feel so blessed. So grateful for the doctors, nurses, family and friends that got us to this point. So grateful for the angels that gave their lives for medicine to be where it is today. There lives are not forgotten. Full of gratitude in celebrating this little man.
All he wanted was spiderman stuff. Cake brought to you by Pop. He loves his new big boy slip on Star Wars Shoes, spiderman hat, watch, shirt and football. He is one happy little man! Most of all grateful for family who fill our lives with joy! Without family, birthdays would be so different. Grateful my mom is starting to feel a little better. True love!
the weddng
This is when I went to Max's wedding one day late...My mom told me she thought it was Friday and sure enough she was right. While I missed the dancing and mingling lucky me got to hang out with my bestie Laurel and her sweet little guy. These little men are about 3 monhths apart. Our last kids are 1 day apart. Robin served me up some yummy mexican from the night before and her bundt cake that was SOOO good. I can't stop thinking about it. I got to actually talk to the special couple Max and Emily without any rush. It was a fabulous post wedding if you aren't quite ready for your wedding to end in a night, just invite me and I might just extend the party! This is my life with 4.
Friday, September 7, 2012
The close of rec swimming
Aquaknights had their awards ceremony and Scott's relay did pretty well.
Tyler enjoyed the hot tub more than anything.
A sinking Kira has had to be pulled from the pool at least three times but she's learning how to breathe.
Scott's happy about the regalia
Blakey is thinking, "Hmmm, steak or chicken?"
Tyler says, "Cheese!" Look, that open bite is almost closed. And Tyler can pretty much do bathroom duty on his own. Sweeeet.
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Danny's Birthday
We went to Monterey again for Danny's birthday and lucked out with amazing weather. Blake was pretty difficult last time we went so Gle...

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