Sunday, April 28, 2024


Parker gave a great talk in Primary today.  He didn't want to do it last night but changed his mind, folded his talk in his pocket and was excited.  It was cute.  About 1 minute before his turn you saw him reading it to himself.  He did great!  He talked about King Benjamin and how he served and how we can serve.  He felt good about himself and I had to take a pic afterwards.  I got to sub in Hanna's primary class.  It was so fun!  We built a tower with chairs.  You can still see some of the kids wanted to sit in 2 chairs and they each said "When you are in the service of your fellow beings, you are in the service of your God."  They learned what fellow and beings was and had a great time climbing up the tower.  After we talked about how we can serve.  Primary is quick with 2 hour church and if  you can just make one experience memorable and spirit filled it is a success.  I think we did that today.  It is always great to be with Hanna!! I have started to appreciate the little moments we have with individual kids.  

As I am getting older and maybe since Scott is gone, I try to take advantage of little moments of connecting with the kids.  Blake had an early release day on Tuesday.  Kira goes to the Orchards with her friends.  Sometimes Blake goes but he doesn't have as close of friends as Kira and I think sometimes just kind of feels lost in the mix, which I remember feeling in middle school.  I picked him up and we went to Chipotle.  As I sat there and he told me about his day and the things going on, I realize how important just going to lunch and taking advantage of time with a child is.  I got to tell him how proud I was of him and I think he felt loved.  The last pic is him enjoying his burrito at Chipotle.  We saw the Bishop, Brock and Sydney there which was fun.

The college kids, my young women group, are back from college!  We love having them back. Livi said all the Elders coming home this transfer were in her MTC district including Elder Garlick, Scott's trainer.  Such a small world and fun connection.  We took a pic to send to them.  

Olivia's boyfriend came to church today and he is going on a study abroad to Barcelona and served his mission in Chile but in the northern Chile mission in a desert for 6 months since he was in San Diego during Pandemic for the first 18 months.  Quite a different experience. We love our ward!  Camellia is holding pickles.  The youth had a pickle ball, pickles and bracelet fundraiser for camp.  I think it was a success.  We didn't make it to the pickle ball tournament because we were at the swim meet but Brother Halverson won...WAHOO!!  He hired a trainer that Tyler said would often come to the church with him after seminary so very deserving and I think very proud of the W! 


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2024 STATE

  Tyler went to CIF State in the Para Division.  He got a best time in his 100 free and said he was doing so well in the 50 and then totally...