
Showing posts from March, 2018

The Success of the Journey

Scott lost the election to a 7th grade girl which wasn't a big deal.  He wasn't upset over it and I am so happy that he ran for office.  I hope all my children participate in school elections.  It is such a great experience to come up with a speech, campaign and help change the school for better in their message. Total success.  Scott is someone who would be happy with just 1 buddy. In kindergarten he had his 1 great friend, same through elementary school.  He hangs out in groups but is like Danny that he needs 1 good friend.  The election was an opportunity to reach out to different groups, different people and that is perhaps the greatest life lesson we can learn in life.  A lesson that can be hard for anyone, especially a middle schooler.  He can be overly competitive and all about the end result instead of the journey and I feel like this was all about the journey.  It came at an amazing time that our family was talking a lot about kindness and that was the focus of his cam

Hanna Ruth

Hanna is 6.5 months. I can't believe how fast the months have gone.  She is an absolute angel.  Sometimes people post that or say that about their baby, but she really is.  I have thought about what makes her the easiest baby.  Some of it is relativity.  A 6th baby everything is second nature.  You go to the store with a spare diaper in the car and the easiest thing is your baby.  Some of it might be I yearned for her and prayed for her and thought I would never have her.  She is a miracle.  Some of it might be that my last baby was born at a time when life was so physically and emotionally busy with being a caretaker for my mom and dad.  I think those things all attribute to the ease of her, however, she is just the best.  An absolute angel who I love being with and caring for all the time.  She sleeps though the night, rocks herself in her carseat, comes with me wherever I go and very rarely cries.  I am so grateful!  I love her so much!  She is just starting to try to

Buying an Answering Machine

I have waisted countless hours (not exaggerating) of my life with both comcast and ATT.  Danny bought a second dental practice which needs the same carrier.  Unfortunately, one had ATT and the other Comcast.  After doing my homework and comparing the two companies we choose Comcast.  I was afraid they would cancel the ATT service before we switched the practice over to Comcast.  Everyone assures me that willn't happen.  I wanted to overlap the service for a week just in case they screwed up. Again, reassured that would never happen and isn't possible because the number has to be released from one to another. Well, Danny went into the office and voicemail and call forwarding were cancelled.  Comcast couldn't set it up because their phone lines weren't in and ATT couldn't reinstate it because they had released the numbers.  I called one and they said I had to reach out to the other.  Neither could do anything.  A tech came to install Comcast and came too late to do