Northgate Golf

Tyler tried out for golf again this year and he made it.  He was really going through some challenging emotional things before Scott went on his mission and we weren't sure we were going to let him play.  He changed some behaviors and has been playing golf since.  He goes to the gym about 4x a week and has gained about 20 pounds in the last 6 months.  At first we has doing his own thing and then we signed him up for aquastrength for Jack which has been great.  It is the same program Scott does.  He showed me a couple of things they do and I did it with Northgate and felt it for a week.  We are very proud of him.  He has been put in a couple of matches.  They take 6 guys and 5 score.  The last tournament he got 4th for his team. He is so new but doing so great and really seems to be enjoying it. We are so proud of him and glad that he found a sport that brings him so much joy!  


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