Late Oct and early Nov

Peyton, Scott and Tyler after church

Parker found a three legged salamander at Vecna's.  I thought it was a snake based on how it moved.  We put it in the terrarium with a heat lamp and he's doing well.

Trunk or treat is the best bang for your buck.  The kids can get adequate candy without fatigue.

Brennan joined us for traditional trick or treating

Tyler was a part of Breanna's quinceañera/super sweet 16 crew.  It was two months of rehearsals leading up to a 12 hour day which exhausted him.  

Hanna dances with Mrs. Rattaro, her kindergarten teacher

I experimented with some no-flash shots at ISO 32000.  Direct flash in this application had the most consistent results.  

Despite this being a quinceañera, no one else wore their cowboy hats or boots.  Regardless, I wore mine the whole night and was happy to log 11k steps in my cowboy boots.



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