Welcome Back Routines

Caring for parents or sick children puts certain things on hold or out of reach for far more important things. Kids activities, gym classes, the ability to work, cleaning routines, etc all become secondary to caring for and spending time with those you love.

I am by no means someone who is great at sticking to routines.  If something comes up, however last minute, I am usually one to join in. With that said, with each new kid, the more I have come to like routine.

So we have begun to figure out routines again with not knowing what the future had in store.  Scott started a running club. It was only 10 weeks but something he has enjoyed and has been good for all of us.  A return college runner has created running clubs for high school as well as elementary/middle school kids in the area.  They meet for 1.5 hours 3x a week.  Scott can't do the big run on Sunday but has been able to go to the M and F practice.  They start with a warm-up run, drills, games, etc.   He had fun and it was great to get outside and once he made some friends he was all in.  It has been great to hang out with the park with the other kids.  They like to bring friends along and spend time in the volleyball sand, pirate park and spiderman web.  Grateful for running club. Originally he was going to do CYO track, but recently decided that it would be too much with swim so he just wants to swim.  I think we will do CYO cross country in the fall when he doesn't have another sport going on.

It is so nice when your kid knows what he likes and what he doesn't like.  I feel like Scott is at the age and maturity that he knows how much he wants on his plate and what he wants to do.  What a nice thing.

He started a GATE class on Wednesday and was excited to see one of his friends from swimming in it.  It is once a week and I wasn't sure if he would like it.  He isn't one that loves extra 'school' or educational stuff after school.  The first meeting was kind of boring for him, but the first day is always boring, right?.  Regardless, he isn't complaining about going and excited to do an engineering project.  We will see how it goes.  They asked if we would be interested in going to another school next year for his 5th grade class for a district class.  I thought there was no way that Scott would want to leave his friends and school but he actually said he would want to do it. We will see how that all pans out. In some ways it would be nice to help him learn at a faster pace since he sometimes gets bored at school.

Kira started gymnastics a couple of weeks ago. She was in a weekly rec class that she LOVED!  She looked forward to it all week.  It was really cute so I decided to have her try out for the team which I thought would be a little more progressive of actually learning and building upon skills. She tried out and they just kept saying she was soo strong.  That is my Kira. She did her first class and she LOVED it.  She was with 3 other kids and they had an instructor and helper.  She spent time on the bars, beam and floor.  It brought back memories watching the older kids.  Glad she likes it so much!  Blake has been begging to start gymastics so we are going to sign him up at little gym.  It will be great for him!

Tyler starts baseball next month which will be fun!


DavidandJuliann said…
Running club sounds great for Scott. Good luck with the new school!

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