Friday, July 8, 2011

We Moved

We were going to move 2 years ago but needed to figure out some life lessons. Danny considered specializing so we lived at my parents to get out of debt. Plans changed and Danny found a practice he loves with the highest of standards, great patients and great community. He rides his bicycle to work which takes 5 minutes and loves it. It only took two years to figure this out, which in retrospect is really no time at all. Some people never figure out what they want to do. We feel so blessed! I am so proud of Danny and the journey he is on.

In the meantime, my parents graciously turned their house over to my kids and family and we were the recipients of extreme kindness and love. As a result, my kids have an amazing relationship with my parents, we saved money, and had time to figure out our future. I learned patience, humility, reliance on the Lord, reliance on others, submissiveness, love of my family, ward and friends and so much more. I came away a better, more refined person learning little and big lessons along the way. It wasn't always easy and there were definite times I wanted and needed my independence and space, however, am grateful that our lives don't always go as planned and I had this time to grow as a family and individual. I have the most amazing family and friends and will cherish the time I had at my parents house and in the Northgate 1st ward.

It is amazing how everything has fallen into place. Danny's job, a perfect little house for us and a community we adore. We are excited for our future in Brentwood. Our neighbors are so welcoming. Life for me is still split between Walnut Creek and Brentwood. I am in Walnut Creek about 80% of the time. I leave every morning for work in WC and don't get home until night, so the moving process is a little slow and I am not at all familiar or a part of this community, but look forward to that in the fall. So far I love everything about Brentwood. Everything is new. It has great schools, a ton of kids live on our street, there is a great LDS community, it is affordable and people are friendly. So if you are looking for a place to move, come and visit and be our neighbor!

Here are pictures of a huge truck we rented. I spent the month of May packing boxes, the Elder's Quorum took about 30 minutes loading them up in WC and 30 minutes unloading them in Brentwood and here we are. It has been over a month and there are still things that we need but no time to get settled with our busy schedules. I only had one mental breakdown the first week I was in Brentwood. I was trying to unload and clean a filthy house, worried about my commute and swim schedule and majorly sleep deprived. I missed three weddings in two weeks, and a fun Delta birthday party, but it has all worked out far better than I could have ever imagined. There is a time and season for all and right now is swim season. There is not much time for anything else during swim season but that is alright. We are all loving it and that is all that matters. Here is my cute family on moving day. I love them!

1 comment:

Heather said...

So happy and excited for your family. Your neighborhood is great and we look forward to coming out and visiting once your busy swim season is over. Scott's school is great!

Danny's Birthday

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