Arriving by Ferry. We went to church and left on a much larger ferry. I will post pics later. The boys, including Danny loved the experience. Pretty cool. It would just go back and forth to pick
up cars.
Snuggle Inn #9. Upstairs was a loft where the boys slept, hung out or did gymnastics on the mats. Downstairs was our room, the kitchen, family room and bathroom. Inside was just as nice and cute as the outside. Scott liked watching the boats go by.
This is for Grampy...we thought how much Danny's dad would have loved this trip and thought of him everytime his identical twin fishing boat, the Afterburner, passed by.

Easter Egg Hunt. I didn't hide all of the candy. I left some of it in a plastic bag and Scott comes running out, "I got the jack-pot!" He found my unhidden candy and was sooo excited.

Fishing. I sat with Scott one night for over an hour and he asked me all about my childhood, mission, marriage, etc. It was a moment I will never forget.
And of course we played with the RC toys. Tyler kept doing flips that he was excited about. Scott did a couple but the bandit didn't flip as well. The boat was fun and everyone had a great time.