The swim season is winding down. Heidi is grateful. I feel like it was a good season. Tyler and Kira were gone a lot and swam okay for how much they practiced. Blake struggled with his attitude/depression/anxiety and his swimming suffered. He felt like if he wasn't on the A relay, then why swim at all? I tried telling him that swimming has been the best therapy for my depression and anxiety but he wasn't having any of it. In the end, Blake made county and felt good about that. Parker didn't swim much; he preferred to just play at the pool with his friends. His technique was not awesome and would not take stroke advice.
Hanna was the cutest. She always swam with a smile. The older kids on the team love to fawn over her, do her hair, ask her about her times, and it's cute. Here she is right before the 25 butterfly.
Scott had a sectionals meet in Roseville with the Aquabears. He got 8th in the 50 meter free (24.22), 3rd in the 4x100 free relay (52.5 split), and qualified for junior nationals. He was pleased about his performances. I am most pleased that he enjoys his time swimming, performs at a respectable level, and has good friends.
Tuff guy before the 50 free
Went to din din with the Skabelunds after. Shari was Heidi's coach at BYU.

I did the national anthem on Saturday at the Conference meet and on Sunday at the sectionals meet. The first was planned. For the last, I approached the announcers desk and asked, "Do they do the national anthem before finals?"
"Do you have someone lined up to sing it?"
"No. We're going to do the recording."
"Then I volunteer as tribute." The announcer was skeptical, like, Who's this guy, randomly showing up, claiming to be able to sing? Mimi was a meet official and vouched for me. It was not my best performance but it wasn't bad. They said, "Representing the Walnut Creek Aquabears, Danny McMillan will sing the national anthem." My goal is that other people think, I can sing just as good, and we never play the recording again. But we're not in Utah.
Okay, bye.