Having halloween on a thursday means that weekend festivities start almost an entire week before. That means you celebrate halloween for an entire week. I feel like we started our fall festivities on our vacation with Avila Farms Pumpkin patch which was such a fun treat. One of the best pumpkin patches I have been to. In a beautiful setting with so many fun animals to feed and pet. All the kids had a great time.
Friday the kids went to the Vista Oaks Halloween carnival which was fun. The best part was just hanging out with friends. It was hot and kids lasted about 10 minutes in costumes. I took the McCauleys since Cindy is getting ready to move.
Last weekend we had a neighborhood party put on by our amazing neighbor. She hosted it in the court and put in so much work into all the games and details. All the kids had a great time. Even the older kids. It is really fun to see older kids enjoy just being kids. They grow up in so many ways so fast but there is something magical about halloween that everyone just wants to be a kid again. (probably just the candy, but I want to think it is more...lol).
We had our ward trunk or treat which was so fun that night. Always a great time and a couple of great friends came with is always fun. Tyler and Scott invited friends, Blake hung out with Owen and Adam Krey entertained Parker for a while. We have a great ward and great community. I was bummed to miss the Bilsborough and Duggan parties that weekend. Live outside concert which Danny loves and magical houses. We needed to clone ourselves.
We had a break on Monday and then went to a pumpkin patch on Thursday with Jen. The kids had a great time. I debated taking out my older kids from school but glad I didn't. It was perfect for the littles with rides, slides, animals, trains and more. Went to Del Osso about 45 minutes away.
Wednesday Kira and Blake dressed up for school since they go once a week which was fun. Thursday the boys dressed up. Scott was a VSCO girl. Not sure what it stands for but everyone thought he looked great. He borrowed stuff from his friends and felt good when he came home which was good. Tyler was Dustin from Stranger Things again this year. One of his best friends was Steve so that was fun. Kira was Robin, Blake a jester again, Parker a power ranger and hanna a bee. My kids don't out much thought into what they are going to be. They are pretty easy to please. I only needed to go out to get one thing the night before which is way better than I usually do.
Thursday was Halloween and it was so hot outside which was so nice. We had crazy winds on Sunday and a ton of fires so grateful the weather was perfect. All the kids went trick or treating with friends except Parker and Hanna so we only went with two kids. Two kids! It was crazy. Blake went with Owen, Scott with Evan, Kira with Kinzie, Tyler with Brennan and we went with Parker and Hanna. We went around our court with neighbors which was fun and then went to La Costa and it was packed! We usually go to Shadow Lakes but decided to go up a street from our house. I can't believe how many kids came. Heather said over 400 people came. It was fun but a little too crowded for me with little kids. Apparently Kira was there with her friends. Fun times! Lots of fun for all. Grateful for great friends and families.
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Fall Break
Volleyball Camp
Scott, Tyler and Kira all attended Heritage Volleyball Camp the first week of break. Originally we were going to do our annual beach trip with some friends but stayed behind because Scott really wanted to do this camp. He really enjoyed his first season playing at Adams. I think it was nice that he did something with 0 pressure and just for fun. He takes things too seriously so it was nice to be a part of a team and learn a new sport. I talked Tyler into it because it is one of the few sports that doesn't require much cardiovascular output if he manages what he does and doesn't do. Kira decided to try it mainly because the boys were doing it. They all had a great time. They felt good about themselves and it was fun to be introduced to a new sport. All three of them were campers of the day for effort, etc which they felt great about and got a candy bar which they felt even better about. Proud of them for doing something new.
While they were at camp, Blake and I did a little bit of school and then we hung out, had friends over, and did who knows what in the afternoons. I can't really remember. It is hard for me not to go on adventures everyday so it was nice that camp made us slow down and have days to just relax. They went to a couple of birthday parties and we ran/swam at the gym a bit.
Week 2 we did a quick 3 day trip to the Central Coast. Originally it was going to be about 80 at the beach but when I looked at the weather report a few days later it was going to be about 10 degrees colder. I quickly looked at other things we could do not sure if the beach was going to work out. I found a couple of places to go on the way down or back up. Pinnacles National Forest and a cool hike through some caves as well as some missions and museums.
We ended up leaving around 6am on Monday and headed to Pinnacles and got there around 9am after a donut stop. I am a horrible planner and actually got headlights for the caves which everyone said you needed. We got a trail map, found the trailhead and headed out. It is always soooo great being outdoors! My kids are meant to be outdoors. So am I. They wonder, explore, scale rocks. It was cute to see them help Hanna. Non-stop Parker would run ahead and then run back. We got to the caves. I didn't really know what to expect but they were super cool It was the perfect hike for our family. We wanted to get to a reservoir and went the wrong way at first but found a tarantula which was cool. Then headed through more caves and got to a beautiful reservoir. It was about a 2 hour casual hike and the kids and I loved it. Perfect way to break up the drive. Afterwards, we went to the visitor center and learned about Pinnacles, the caves, wildlife and they got junior ranger books to work on during the drive. Highly recommend and plan to go back with Danny and friends.
From there we went to the beach. I headed to Avila because I loved it last time. When I don't have Danny, I love simplicity and this beach is just that. The waves are perfect to do some boogie boarding but I don't feel like I will lose a child in the undertow. Easy parking, little shops, perfect sand, bathrooms. They had a great time and it was warm.
We then headed to the hotel which is always fun. They had a happy hour and the kids had fun getting shirley temples and feeling like they were at a restaurant. They did great and it was such a great day.
Day 2 it was overcast in the morning so we decided to check out the monarch butterfly grove and pismo beach in the morning. It was a lot of fun and fun for the kids to see some butterflies and wander through the sand dunes. Afterwards, we went to the Bob Jones Bike Trail on some scooters and bikes. I pushed Hanna in the stroller which was longer than I wanted but glad I got to get a run in. I have been trying to get in better shape this month and am definitely in better shape than I was a month ago...wahooo! We thought we would end at a little pumpkin patch/farm but didn't so that was kind of a bummer. The trail was really cool and I would do it again on a bike or scooter...LOL! Excited for when Hanna is 1 year older. 3 year olds can do so much more than 2 year olds. The beach felt really great afterwards and they kids had a great time. Tyler boogie boarded almost the whole time. The kids had fun burying themselves in sand. A guy recommended we go check out the seals which was about a mile drive up the road at the pier. Seals are always fun to watch but it is always hard to get places when you are sandy and just want to go back to the hotel. We ended up going and I was so glad we did. It was so fun to watch them. I always love watching them at San Francisco. They would push each other off their little plank and try to find room. It was hysterical and everyone had fun. We went back to the hotel around 6 and ate some pizza, relaxed and went for a night swim in their pool and jacuzzi. Best part of hotels is always the amazing breakfast.
The next morning, our last day, the kids didn't want to do the beach. It was chilly in the morning and nobody wanted to ride home with sandy bodies. I was grateful so headed up the coast to check out some different areas. First, we went to the pumpkin patch that we tried to scooter to the day before. The kids weren't sure about it and I was sooo glad we went. They were all so glad. They gave you lettuce for a buck to feed their many different animals and the kids loved it. They all had their favorite animals to feed, raced through the hay maze which was perfect for them to get some energy out and had a great time. Probably my favorite pumpkin patch so far with all the different animals to pet and feed. Such a cool experience. Our next stop was Morro Bay which was about 30 minutes away. They had a little visitors center which we went to for about 30 minutes and was cool. I learned about waves and different marine animals. Then we headed to Morro Rock and stopped by a Nautical Museum which was sadly closed. It was cool to see the submarines that were outside. Last, we went to the rock and watched the sea otters as the kids went down the rocks to the water. We are studying California Native Americans and reading Island Blue Dolphins so it was fun to see what could have been the book in real life. After, we headed up the coast to the Elephant Seals. It added about another 1.5 hours to our drive and was pretty. It was really cool to see them. I wish the males were there so we will have to go back again sometime. After that, we went to In&Out for some lunch and headed home. It was a great trip filled with beach, learning, exploring and relaxing. I am getting better at just going with the flow. Researching some things ahead of time and then seeing how the day pans out and what everyone feels like doing.
Overall, it was a great fall break! Mixed with relaxing, trying new things, family time. The only thing that would have made it better was having Danny with us. Grateful we live where we live. I am always awestruck of the beauty that is in our backyard. We are blessed!
Friday, October 18, 2019
20th High School Reunion
20th Reunion
It is CRAZY to me that I graduated high school 20 years ago. It feels like the other day. In some ways I feel the same age. These ladies made high school some of the best years of my life. I LOVED LOVED LOVED high school. I would do it over in a heartbeat and mainly because of my friends. So many crazy, great times with these girls. I loved learning at school just as much as I loved the thrill of ditching school. That pretty much sums up high school for me. I loved doing homework because it usually meant doing it with a friend or some crush I had at the time. It was worry free for the most part. I have few regrets from high school. I do with I didn't date seriously in high school but that I guess is just part of the journey of growing up. Some of my high school friends still get together all the time. Many of them moved back to Danville/Walnut Creek. I am not as connected mostly because I am so busy with my kids and our life wherever we are living but when I am with them it is just filled with extreme love and appreciation and great memories. I love them for who they helped me to become, their loyalty, support and love. Laurel made it all possible. She spent hours and hours convincing people to come to the reunion. It was a great night. Laurel with her farewell song she sang at graduation. Sam and Tiffany with their dance off. Jared and Adam singing with their guitars. In so many ways it brought back some great memories. I wish I took more photos but had a great night catching up with friends.
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