A couple of months ago I asked the office personnel at the elementary about the school song. Turns out there's no song.
So I wrote one myself.
Last year, right before Christmas break, I pitched it to the principal. I had emailed him a couple of times with no response, and then one morning, I saw him directing traffic. He was talking with a disgruntled parent, and I said, "I gotta talk to you."
He probably thought I was another disgruntled parent, but I said, "I made up a song about Krey."
He had this worried look.
I continued, "It's a spirit song, you know, one we can sing at assemblies." Then he started to perk up and we went to the cafeteria where there's a piano. Pianos in Utah were mainstream but in California they're precious commodities. I sang the song and he was really impressed.
Then I said, "I was worried you'd say, 'Well, why not make it fair and open it up to the student body? Then we'll vote on the best song.'" He said, "Yeah, maybe we could do that, but since this is already done, let's just go with it."
Today was the kick-off assembly. I brought my 1989 Ensoniq keyboard, but the stinkin' thing wouldn't initialize! I couldn't troubleshoot it in time for the gig so we used my garage band recording, with a piano track from the Cable console, a guitar track, and vocals. Here's the video.
Monday, March 30, 2015
Saturday, March 28, 2015
Parker's a week old. He's a nice guy. Heidi went to the women's broadcast tonight. Britton and his kids came over and we hung out while attending to the baby.
Monday, March 23, 2015
Parker Jack McMillan and some birthdays
Pretty eventful week for the McMillans. Grammy visited from Utah from Monday-Saturday, Kira turned 5 on Friday, Blake turned 3 on Saturday, and Parker Jack was born on Saturday evening.
Blake got some coloring stuff and a bubble machine. He was stoked about the bubbles.
Twas a busy Saturday morning. Here are some pictures from my big camera.
The kids met Parker on Sunday. Kira was the most interested and natural with him.
Tyler wanted in, too, though he was more awkward.
Blake couldn't have cared less and just wanted to play iPhone.
Scott was curious but nervous, so he didn't hold the baby.
Then Pop, Heather and Paisley joined us at the home for din din, more presents, and cake.
Tonight Cindy and her kids brought us dinner. I'm pretty stoked about how big the table gets.
Heidi seems in good spirits, so that's good. I worked today and had a good day. Okay, bye.
Sunday, March 22, 2015
Baby #5 arrived
Baby #5 was born last night between 9:42 and 10:00 weighing 7lbs 8 oz and measuring 20". I had Saturday off, so Heidi and I continued putting the home together while the kids entertained playdates. I was happy that our home is open to guests because that's how Heidi's home was and she enjoyed it.
A little after lunch, Heidi complained of back pain and thought she was going into labor. Kathleen came to the house to watch the kids and Heidi and I took the car to Kaiser. She had group b strep, so they had to do four hours of antibiotics before breaking her water. Her OB was my kind of guy: matter-of-fact with a good sense of humor.
I know everyone says that birth is such a beautiful experience but I just don't like it. Heidi got an epidural which wasn't her best one, and she threw up a couple times. She had to push quite a few more times than with previous labors but it was still under 30 minutes. The baby came out purple and then the placenta came out all fibrotic brown. When Scott was born, the placenta came out bright purple and I about fainted when I saw it. There were quite a few staff in the room and they must have been concerned about something because otherwise they'd be hanging out in the lounge.
The purple baby started to cry and the pediatrician was relieved. Then everyone cleared out and we chilled for a bit with the baby. He seemed to do well with his nightly feedings even though I felt like we were up every hour. Heidi says he was better than Blake. The hide-a-bed I slept in wasn't too bad and we slept pretty well from 5-7. We still don't have a name because we wanted to see what he looked like, but we were on google this morning searching for names again. Heidi wants to go home now and she's probably fit to do so, but I think it'll take longer than expected.
He and Blakey share a birthday. Kira's birthday was the 20th. I'll upload her pictures from the big camera when I get home.
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