I am coaching the 8 & U at Valley Vista. It is actually a lot of fun! Tyler and Kira go to Kids Club, Scott hangs out at the pool for the 7-8 workout and swims during the 6&Unders. It has been a great experience for all the kids and me. I love the kids and the other coaches I work with. Overall great summer thus far. It has really helped Scott become independent. He needs to go and find friends to play with during practice or meets and take care of himself while I am working. Anything social for Tyler is great. Kira is getting used to being without mom. Scott did great at his first meet Sat. morning. I can't believe he knows how to swim. He is growing up so fast. I am so proud of him. He enjoys everything about it and I couldn't ask for anything more.

Doesn't he look professional....

Think again...And THIS is why I LOVE coaching 6&Unders. They always make you laugh. I think this picture sums up our practices and meets. He actually can now dive thanks to Aaron.

This is what his free and back look like. This pic happens to be free.

His Numero Uno Cheerleader....I love this girl so much. Her hair is always kind of out of control. I need to do a better job doing something with it. I pretty much need help with little girls. At least she still loves me.