Saturday, November 24, 2007

I love my job. I get to stay home with my kids in the day and work at night. I love coaching kids, being outdoors, and having great friends. Scott and I are at a swimmeet. Go Aquabears!!
My parents. They made me who I am. They are two of the most generous and caring people I know. My boys and I are so lucky to have them so close!

Laughter...the cure for all.
My sister and the baby bjorn...I am so lucky to have a sister who is full of wisdom, love and so much fun to be around. The baby bjorn is the best invention for any mom with two kids. I don't know how parents did it before this invention!

1 comment:

Kerry Hoaglund said...

That child looks like he's flying!!! He's so high up!!!

Had a successful meet against Scottsdale at Woodlands.  The kids swam well.