Monday, October 15, 2007

Our eventful weekend

Danny and I both worked on Saturday and Heather and Jason came to our rescue. They were our heroes for taking both of the kids, figuring out the feeding tube, playing with Scott and rocking Tyler. The kids were both so happy all day with them. Thank you, Aunt Heather and Uncle Jason. I got a headache mid-day at the meet and it got progressively worse. By that night I had a fever, chills and aches throughout my body. I was worried that I had something I would pass on to Tyler, but soon realized that it was a breast infection. Poor Danny had to take care of the kids and me which was hard on him. Sunday, Danny went to church with Scott who loves playing with kids in the nursery. I stayed home with Tyler who we don't want to expose to a lot of people yet. I was still not feeling well and Tyler had bad gas pains. Every couple of days he will have a hard day like any other kid. The hardest part of our routine are the nightly feedings. We wake up, feed him, set up the feeding tube, get a little sleep, wake up to disconnect the feeding tube and do it again about 1 1/2 hours later. It is a lot of interrupted sleep. Usually Danny does the 9 & 12 feedings and I do the 3 & 6. I have a hard time not falling back asleep when it is my turn. I was feeling better last night, so we went to Brett and Cindy's to see his halloween Department 56 houses which were awesome. Scott loved the skeletons going around on the swinging chairs. Danny forgot his camera...can you believe it!! We will make sure to go back and post some pictures. We are hoping for a better week after a rough weekend. People have asked how they can help. Anytime you want to come over and hold Tyler or play with Scott would be great. Betty and Bob came over to play with Scott and hold Tyler which gave us a little break. Scott was very sad when Bob, his playmate, left. Thank you to everyone who has been willing to help. We are just now figuring out our needs. The church is bringing us meals this week which we are so thankful for. You guys are the BEST.


Rummage said...

We wish we could come hold Tyler and play with Scott! We will have to plan a trip Walnut Creek to see you guys. Hope you are feeling much better!

Un abrazo,
Hyrum and Angie

Heather O. said...

I'm glad that Tyler is home and doing well, and that you are feeling better!
Love, Heather

Ashley said...

Hey Heidi, breast infections are the WORST! I've had a couple! I am glad that all is going well for the most part. If it makes you feel any better, I don't get much sleep at night-at our house we play musical beds in the middle of the night :)I would love to have Scott come and play with my girls...let me know. Take care, Ashley

The MacMizzles said...

HEIDI!!!! I feel your pain literally! I had a breast infection with my second child as well. The warm wash cloths really are the best to help relieve the pain. I understand also about the gas. Have you ever heard of Mylicon drops? They saved my life with both of my kids. Ask your doctor if it is okay to give them to Tyler. I would not have made it without them with my first. Good luck to you! You are handling everything so well, you are truly an inspiration to us.

Make a Wish Reveal

Tyler is doing a make a wish trip to Hawaii this year.  We have been so fortunate that for the last 10 years he has been relatively healthy ...