Monday, January 30, 2012

Post Op Day 4

Tyler is doing well.  They increased his diuretics causing him to be Potassium deficient.  We are working on trying to get him to take potassium which is GROSS.  We tried it via IV which is painful, tried a feeding tube which Tyler was less than stoked about, so we are just trying to have him gulp it down.  That will help keep arrhythmias away.  They split his chest tubes to see if they could possibly take one out which would help with his pain.  He tried walking today and took a couple of steps but was in a lot of pain.  The goal is to get him to drain some fluid to eventually get chest tubes out, start walking a little, get his potassium levels up, get him to eat a little more.  His arrhythmias have normalized.  They put his pacer to 110, so his heart is beating on its own in a normal sinus rhythm which is great.  Thanks for all the prayers, calls and well wishes.  We are so grateful to have such great family and friends who support us to make this journey an easier one.  Danny and I couldn't do this alone.   We are truly blessed!


Jenny said...

Sounds like things are going better each day! Thanks for the updates and keep up the good fight Tyler!

minnie said...

good to hear that tyler is walking. had that IV potassium before and it was really excruciatingly painful. praying for his fast healing. God bless.


Trent and Kristi said...

My heart goes out to you Heidi! I am a CV nurse so I know EXACTLY how hard these surgeries are - but can't imagine what as a mom you must be going through. My prayers are with you!!!! So glad he is doing well!!! You are truly amazing and I know you have many angels helping you and your family right now! xoxo

cici said...
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cici said...

Has he tried Cherry pedialyte? it is kind of tasty. Popsicles made out of it are pretty good too. Banana, avacado, raisins and baked potato are also good sources that he might like. I know it's hard to eat when there is pain, so I will Pray for his pain relief now.
Thanks for keeping us worrywarts updated.

allison said...

Oh man, I know how you guys must be feeling. Josh had some of the same obstacles. You know what I did?? I went to the cafeteria and bought Lays Potato chips (they have a lot of potassium) and had Jon run to McD's and buy him fries...he would barely touch the potassium they wanted him to take, but he'd chow down on the chips and fries, so much that it really helped his levels.
Hopefully those tubes will come out soon & he'll be feeling like a new man. I know these past few days have probably seemed to drag. Hope this process is quick & you are back home soon. Sending love and prayers for Tyler & the whole McMillan clan! We love you all!

Heart Mommy said...

You can do it!!! The hard part is..... Well, You can do it!!!! Way to walk buddy, see if child life had a remote control car to chase after!! Best wishes and warmest heart hugs!!!!

Laurel said...

loved being able to spend some time with you today Heidi. Tyler is amazing, even if he never said a word to me! love you guys and will keep checking in and saying our prayers.

Heather said...

So happy to hear that Tyler is improving and hope everything continues to get better. Sending you and him lots of love.

Jacquie said...

Pop and Grandma enjoyed our special visit with you today. The best moment was seeing Tyler's big smile when he put on his finger lights! Tyler has the best roommate...Thank you Heidi for all you do!!!

thedemichielfam said...

I have been reading your posts (via Heather's FB page) and praying for you all. Happy to hear Tyler is making improvements and will continue to think of you all and of course say my prayers. You are a strong, wonderful Mommy! Hugs to you all!

Rita said...

Lots of prayers from my dad and me!!! Love you lots! Aunt Rita

Anonymous said...

Been awhile since I've been on your blog and not sure if we've ever left a comment. Our family will be praying for yours as we know the HLHS journey has some really challenging episodes like this. Praying for Tyler's comfort and safety, for your kids at home and for your stamina as you log that surreal hospital time.

Grace, peace and comfort!

Rolf and Trish, parents of Rudy (HLHS)

Santa Barbara, CA

Had a successful meet against Scottsdale at Woodlands.  The kids swam well.