Saturday, December 26, 2015

Christmas 2015

Christmas isn't the same without my parents. My mom LOVED presents (some might say she would go overboard) and my dad went along for the ride.  It was always filled with excitement and love. Christmas day is filled with family and tradition and without my parents it just didn't feel the same this year.  We made the most of it and had the best Christmas that we could have without my mom and dad.

On Christmas Eve we always went to my parents church.  It is filled with music and much more entertaining than we are used to. This year, Paisley was in the choir and did such a great job. We got there late and she was singing and got so excited to see us walk in. It was so cute and so fun. There weren't seats left so the 6 of us crammed into seating for about 3. Blake didn't last long sharing my lap with Parker so we spent about half of it outside.  We went to my mom and dads grave which was nice. 

After we went to Heathers, with her in-laws and aunt and uncle.  It was really nice. We ate a lasagna dinner and the kids had fun opening presents.  The boys loved legos and kira and paisley loved their barbie biking while walking her dogs. Quite the set-up.  Everyone had a great night.

Christmas morning the kids woke up before 6. I told them to go back to bed, which they did. We ate a great breakfast with bacon (always a treat) and had a relaxing morning. It is so nice to have DAnny home and just spend the day with the family.  That afternoon we went to my parents home to have one last feast.  Betty, Heather's mother-in-law made a great dinner which was a gift to all.  It was nice not to have to make anything.  Her gift to us and so appreciated.   

We visited Carl's grave. How grateful I am for his quiet, yet undeniable strength in my life. How grateful I am for our Savior to know that we will all be together again because of him.  

It was a sad, happy, wonderful holiday. This year it was special to be in their home and celebrate one last Christmas where we have spent Christmas for the past 20 years. Next year we begin new traditions.  Knowing me, I have to start planning and thinking about it now. I am such a last minute, spur of the moment type person, that traditions is hard for me. So that is a goal I have for next year.  How to make December Christ centered.  How to make it about family.  How to fill our home with the spirit of Christmas.  We will see what I come up with.  


Chelle said...

I can just see your mom, how excited she'd get about giving gifts. She truly was the life of the party. I'm so sorry Heidi that you have to go thru this! I am sure you'll be able to come up with some amazing traditions for your own family. And I'm glad you can feel Carl in your life. Would you guys want to come out here for Christmas instead of Thanksgiving next year? Just a thought. Love you.

Janine said...

I can't imagine how much you missed your parents and the established traditions. What a difficult transition. We were thinking of all of you all day on Christmas, including Carl. Thank you for your post. Love you all.

DavidandJuliann said...

Sounds like a wonderful holiday

2024 STATE

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