Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Krey Coyotes

School is back in session.  Scott is in first grade with Mrs. Shirley.  He was a little bummed he didn't have any close friends in his class.  Luckily Scott is good at being a good friend and making friends.  I told him he would know at least one person from last year and it was a great opportunity to make even more friends.  Sure enough Hunter and Elisia are in his class who he was good friends with last year and he is making new friends and gets to play with his buddies at recess.

Mrs. Shirley seems so nice.  She has two older kids and I know will be a great teacher for Scott.  Parents have told me she does a play and a lot of fun, creative projects. and is "old school" whatever that means. Today when I picked up Scott she said he was such a great friend, good listener and such a leader.  Scott is so good in class which I am grateful for.   Most importantly, I just want him to be a good friend and enjoy reading more this year.  He doesn't love to do anything that is hard for him and reading is hard. cFirst grade is a big jump up from Kindergarten.  They go from 8-2 which is a long day.  When I picked up Scott today he was emotionally and physically done.  He melted down because his dad didn't pick him up like planned, which is reason for being upset but not a meltdown.  His teacher asked what was wrong and I explained tired, tired, and in need of some food.  As soon as Scott gets home I need to feed the boy or his blood sugar makes him into an over-emotional 6 year old.

He gets coyote cash (fake money to buy junk with) for being good and has to give it away if he uses the bathroom during class.  Scott is so motivated by any reward so told me yesterday he had to go to the bathroom so bad in class but didn't so he could keep his cash.  I told him to get in the habit to go at lunch so we shall see how that goes.  He has a hard time remembering things.  Last year I can't tell you how many times he went back to his classroom for a hat, sweatshirt, toy, etc.

I am grateful Scott loves school!  Yeah!

Tyler is in Kindergarten with Mrs. Fulgelstrom.  We enrolled him in pre-school this summer and he did surprisingly well.  Big shocker for us.  He was sad the first week or two but once he got comfortable had a great time.  We decided to try out kindergarten with the reality that he would probably repeat it.  A lot of the decision was based on having him conveniently at the same school as Scott, 5 days a week.  If it doesn't work out, I will find an alternate route.  Day 1 went GREAT!  No tears, listened well, had fun.  Day 2 not so great.  He got upset over something and didn't want to participate.  After recouping he did well again.  He likes it and comes home and tells me about all that they do.  He likes the learning part just has a hard time with the social part and controlling his emotions.  We shall see how it goes.  I will keep you updated.

I am grateful he has a great, patient teacher.  I am grateful he enjoys going to class and enjoys what he learns.  I am just praying that he makes one friend to be his buddy.  Yesterday all he wanted was a friend.  He has made some great friends at the pool and it makes me so happy.  Thinking of Anne with an E, "everyone needs a bosom buddy."  Praying super hard he finds a buddy.

Grateful for Krey.  It is a beautiful campus, filled with great people, great teachers, great parents and walking distance from home.  I actually think it is faster to pick up Scott in the car or on a bike then drive through the INSANE car loop to pick up the kids.  Someone should warn us parents that the pick up walking area is not for the claustrophobic either.  Poor Kira gets dragged along during her nap and always gets woken up and instantly becomes a very sad toddler.  Need to figure out schedules a little better.


cici said...

Sounds like things are going well and very normal and age appropriate.
Young Parents always worry about School adjustments, but every child has their own different experience.
I remember refusing to take out my crayons because they were broken. Wetting my pants when called on and not following directions and throwing homework assignments away before leaving School.
All it really takes to get through is having caring, loving Parents, so Scott and Tyler should excel!!!!

The Simmons Family said...

I love to hear the. Boys are enjoying school. Owen sounds like Tyler..emotions are all over the place. I am so not worried about cognitive, but social skills freak me out. He has a temper to boot! Keep us posted on how things progress.

Heather said...

You will be able to give me so much advice when I enter the school years. Sounds like everyone is adjusting and hopefully Tyler will have a good 3rd day. Lots of changes for him, so I'm sure it will just take some adjustment. You have the perfect attitude.

Had a successful meet against Scottsdale at Woodlands.  The kids swam well.