Friday, February 29, 2008


They told us Tyler was done with surgery around 11, he came out at 12 and things look good. Dr. Azakie said, "well, things went well." "Anything more," I thought?? That was that. They took the shunt out and rerouted the blood to the lungs. I wrote about the Glenn in an earlier entry a month ago if you want to understand more. They are working on stabilizing him and he looks much more like Scott as a 6 month old now that he is swollen. He was extubated at 5:30 pm and they will continue to watch him. Hopefully we will be arrythmia and infection free. Thanks for all the prayers!! We are soo grateful for Dr. Azakie and his team-- Tylers little miracle workers!


Kerry Hoaglund said...

Wow...I so hope it goes well for you! You have been through a lot. Good luck and thanks for the updates!

Jacquie said...

Heidi and Danny,
All I can say is that mom is sitting here at work with "Tears of Joy"! Dad and Scott had a good time at his toddler class - today he made his clay handprint and next week after it gets fired he'll get to paint and glaze it. I joined them for a nice picnic lunch outing at the park. Scott had on his BYU shirt and 2 girls with their 8 kids (4 kids each) came over to say "GO BYU". They were both BYU alum and live in Danville. Dad has a play date later this afternoon with Ruth Cornell's 2.5 year old grandson so Pop is keeping busy. Love you!

Kathy Nelson said...

Hi Heidi and Danny,
What wonderfulnews! All of you are such troopers! We're thinking of you - take care and give little Tyler our love.

Robin said...

Yeah!! All of us bogner's are cheering for Tyler and know all will be well! Thanks for all the prayers everyone is sending and for the faith that is exibited by all. the mcmillians are very special to Heavenly Father and all of us!

Adam and Lisa said...

Way to go Tyler! You're an inspiration. We are so happy that things went so well. Danny and Heidi, we hope that you are greatly blessed during this time. We keep praying for you and are so glad to hear your positive comments. Thanks so much for taking the time to keep us all informed. Love Adam, Lisa and Jade

The MacMizzles said...

He look so good! His color looks fantastic, and his eyes are so alert! He is going to do just fine, I know it.

From our family to yours, another warm embrace sent your way.

Unknown said...

I am so glad that we have you next door this time around! Tyler is so cute...such a trooper! I look forward to watching him & Joshua progress!


The 26th said...

I will pray and be confident that everything will go smoothly. You and your family will be in my heart. I'm moved by the your strength and the love that you share. I wish the best for Tyler and can't wait to see the little guy back home with his beautiful family.

Daniel, I'm privileged to have met you when you came to Davis, way back when to fetch a red VFR. You are an absolute inspiration. I'm glad you kept me on the list. Heidi, I hope I have the pleasure of meeting you and the boys one day! My warmest regards to the McMillians

Ashley said...

Heidi, I am sitting here with tears in my eyes! I am so proud of little tyler and of you guys! I don't know how I would handle a situation like this. My kids are my life and I hate to see them in pain. You are truly a inspiration to me. I will keep Tyler and your fam in my prayers. Please keep us posted in the upcoming days. He is strong Heidi, (u know that). He will be an amazing person throughout his life!!

Jacquie said...

All's going well on the home front. Scott had fun with Nicholas and hopefully next week they'll get to know each other a little better when they get together again. Grandma, Pop and Scott dined out at China Village and then we had fun going to the karate school to watch all the kids. It was great to have a surprise visit from Aunt Heather before bedtime and of course it was special to have Daddy spend the night with us. It's Saturday morning and we're off to Costco for our weekly shopping and then our treat for the day is to head to the zoo (haven't decided yet whether we're off to Oakland or San Francisco but we're looking forward to a
fun filled day. Spoke to Aunt Yvonne and all the family sends lots of love, support and hugs.
We Love You.
Mom and Dad

Tamber said...

We are at the MWC Champs right now and I just wanted to let you know that Tyler and the entire McMillen family are in our prayers. Good Luck with everything. Go Tyler and Go Cougs (like your mom said)!
Love, Eric and Tamber

Jill said...

Good luck, you guys are amazing. My thoughts are with you, and I hope that everything will turn out right!!!!!!! That is one strong spirited baby :)

Jacquie said...

Had a fun Saturday at the Oakland Zoo - favorites were watching the elephants and giraffes eating up all the branches and seeing the monkeys fly from branch to branch. Met Dan, Victory, and Simon from church while we were crawling thru a low tunnel - Simon helped Scott and grandma was happy to stop crawling. Scott was disappointed he didn't measure 36 inches to try out all the rides but we all enjoyed the train and Scott chose the gorilla and panda bears as his carousel animals to ride. We had a relaxing dinner at the house with Joan and Paul and we tucked ourselves in watching Polar Express. We're up early on Sunday to bake cookies to bring to the hospital.
Love, Mom

The Taylor Family said...

Our first chance to get to your blog was this morning and we are praising God for how things went during the operation! Our prayers will now focus on asking God to protect your son from infection and to keep his heartbeat steady and strong. We send updates to our family across the country and they are also in prayer and thankful for the doctors and nurses who are caring for Tyler.
We imagine there are rough spots up ahead, but for today, we hope your son is peaceful.
The Taylors

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