Thursday, February 21, 2008

Park Days

Heather Farms, the park where I work. This is where Scott would go with his great babysitter ME while I was coaching.
Scott is on his FAVORITE car that he scoots around on and likes to beep while going backwards. My parents are remodeling and my dad made a mini ramp from woodm that Scott goes up and down all day.
I used to be really afraid of geese because either my mom or grandma told me that they would bite my fingers off if I went too close. Tramatizing childhood memories. Now I think they are pretty but poop way too much in the park.

"POP" with Tyler. My dad has been given a new name from Scott.


Kerry Hoaglund said...

Those pictures belong in a magazine! So adorable! I so loved those little push around cars...I had a different one growing was more Flintstone style where your feet are on the inside of the car pushing it! Ah, the good ol' days!

Ben and Julia said...

What darling pictures. I am glad you were able to have some fun time in the park! I'm sure it felt overdue. I love how Scott is all boy, and that adding into what makes Tyler cry is Scott dropping a train on him! Your life is really interesting! I'm glad to hear that little Tyler is laughing and feeling better. Good luck preparing for the Glenn!

Julia M. said...

Heidi, Sorry, I was logged in as Ben, but I think he'd agree with me!

Cardalls said...

I get nostalgic seeing those pictures of Heather Farms. I used to play there as a kid. I once even walked home (to where my Dad still lives over at Ygnacio Valley and Oak Grove) by myself when I was 4. The police were looking for me and everything. My parents were panicked!


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