Thursday, February 21, 2008

Park Days Continued

Have I ever mentioned that I LOVE warm weather!!! Nothing compares to being outdoors, going to the park and letting your boy be a boy. Scott loves to swing, climb up anything and jump off structures that are too tall for him to jump from. How did he grow up so fast?? The above behavior explains all cuts, bruises, and bumps that Scott has in almost every picture we ever take of him. I am going to have to put him on house arrest before taking any formal family photo. We walked to the park before church last Sunday. I love where we live. It is 5 minutes from the park, shopping, great restaurants and my work. What else could you ask for?? It would be nice if cost of living was cheaper...oh well....maybe we'll just be condo dwellers for life. It is the perfect life for now. Anyway, it was a great day!


Kerry Hoaglund said...

Ok, totally jealous! I'm out here in Denver freezing while you have warm weather! I'm ready for summer!!! You guys are such a pottery barn catalog family! So adorably cute!!! I'm so glad you had fun!

Jill said...

I'm so jealous. Sounds like you have paradise there!!!

Heather said...

Great pictures. They are amazing.

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